Chapter 62: Miami Day Two

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After we gather our self it was after 12, we didn't know if the pool was close but we was still going in it but you know I got a thing for hot tubs I saw that and I was sold. We all were sitting down just chilling letting the warm water and pressure massage our dicks lol and the questions started.

Terry: Lmao now niggas we got to get some type of convo going lmao can't fuck all the time like me and Shawn

Me: Ok since yall want talk we going to play a game of truth just truth you can ask anyone a question and you have to answer and if you pass it the person who pass the most question got to walk around that big pool naked lol.

Shawn: Yea deal lol

Terry: Bruh I aint know about that lol

Me: Bro you got something to hide a lol

Terry: No, lol lets do this then but I can't lose I aint walking around here naked for these Americans to call the copes because my weapon to big lol

Dion: Yea lets go, Shawn start off asks away?

Shawn: kool, terry lol you every cheated on me?

Terry: Nigga I know you going to ask me that real talk but no I don't have the time cause I always with you, mjay or Chris but I never will,

Shawn: I here that boo, this yours forever too lol

Terry: Yea you know it but my turn now. Mjay who was better in bed Dion or Chris?

Me: Nigga you wrong yo , you so wrong for asking me that (Dion looked at me because he wanted to know the answer I can tell) I going to be real it's like a neck and neck thing because Dion could stoke better then Chris but Chris got the whines and motion thing going on which makes him great to plus his dick big bruh. But Dion being that he have a smaller dick then Chris but still big I have to say Dion better. Lol and terry I aint want hear that again cause I how you go. It's my turn Dion, you told me you had some family problems that's why you move but you didn't say what so what was it? Nigga you know I nozey

Dion: Shit I going to be real I use to fight and shit a lot bey, my parents them I guess was fed up with me and kicked me out. My aunt was my only option ya see and I don't want let her down so I don't fight and shit no more. I on join the basketball team to keep me busy from doing shit man. I only fight when it's to save to a life, right mjay lol.

Me: Yea nigga I still grateful for that and I still glad you was with me bey

Dion: You know I couldn't let nothing happen to you (He looked at me like he wanted to kiss me) but now it's my time to ask a question. So Shawn if you and terry wasn't together and you and his cousin hit it off would you let him hit.

Shawn: In a heartbeat you see how fine that nigga is lmfao

Terry: Oh so you just going to free up to nigga, first time you meet him thats being Bad bey

Shawn: Terry you know I only joking to see what you was going to say baby you know even if we wasn't together I would have still been trying till now to turn you out, lol but wait I did turn you out ,lol the power of some good head lmao and good boy pussy nigga

Terry: Nigga you aint lie nigga but I glad you did do cause females was getting fucking boring bey. Lol baby lets go bath man lets go up to the room (terry gave Shawn a eye)

Me: Bey yall two does fuck more than I don't know what bey, Shawn your ass soon start falling in and terry your dick soon get lost in that ass lmao cause it to slack lol.

Terry: This some good ass Shawn got bruh, this aint never getting slack lmao that's why you go on the beach regularly lol the salt water tighten you right back up

Shawn: lmao mjay stop hating cause you don't get dick regular like me bey lmao

Me: Yea yea yea lmao yall niggas go carry on and please not in our bed.
Terry: Lmao which bed you think we going in lmao

Me: Bey I serious lol

Terry: lil bro we going in the shower lol with your bossy ass bey lol relax

Me: Yea whatever bruh

As they walked to go back to the room Dion come sit right on the side of me in the hot tub looking at me like he wanted to tell me something. I know him so I know when something is wrong with him.

Me: Ok what happen now, I know you got something to tell me lol by that look on your face

Dion: Lmao I hate you for that bey you could read me so good but yea I kind of do have something to tell you bey

Me: Ok kool you can tell me man, it about your girlfriend or ex I mean

Dion: now it about why I been living with my aunt cause ya see I told yall one of the reasons but I didn't told you the entire reason you see its still I touchy area for me but I feel I got to tell you.

Me: Bey its cool you don't have to tell me anything

Dion: I want to mjay, I used to fight bey I was angry because I was angry of this person I was and my attraction to guys bey. It was like I was trying to front to put on a persona that was different from my real one so I use to be a bully bruh. I just use to fight bey even if I saw one dude I know he was gay and he hit on me, we use to fight I didn't think I was normal bey I thought something was wrong with me I even tried to go to the doctor once to ask question because I didn't think that I could be so into men. I fought and fought until one of the dudes I fought showed up on my front door I was home alone. He showed up on my front door step and he called me out he was a masculine looking dude his name was KC. He told me bey I know why you fought me, he say I know you having the same urges I do and you trying to make it known that you aint something you know you are. You are attracted to men and so am I bey don't front I do the same thing, when he said that I wanted to stab him but it's like he saw through me and I felt so weak like I wanted to cry. One thing led to another and we kissed and kissing led to cloths off. We were in my room and clothes were coming off and I was on top of him kissing. He was sucking my dick and the door flu open and it was my daddy bruh. I was so scared that day my daddy just came and started hitting me saying faggot!! Your sissy ass! And kc grabbed his clothes and ran that was the last day I saw him. My father beat my ass until I was bleeding and my mother ran in to stop him and he said to me no son of mine is going to be no fag then he said get the fuck out. My mom told me no i must stay but he told her either I go or he wants a divorce and will be leaving. My mom at the time she didn't work so my daddy took care of everything so she just started crying. He told me pack my shit and I was only 16 at the time but I wasn't going to stay there and take shit from him besides he was abusive anyway.

I do have a older brother and he even disowned me but my mom try to sneak and come see me at times and her and my aunt don't talk at all my aunt was angry that they treated me like this. I called my aunt and she told me no problem I can stay with her for how long she likes. Her husband died so she loved the company and I told her what happen. She said we don't help who we are and that everyone is made different and if that's how I feel I should not fight it because it will only destroy me inside. She told me she doesn't have a problem with it and to except myself and love me for who I really am. From that moment on I did even though I live a down low life I feel kind of free only my aunt and parents and bro know. My parents and brother I know aint going to talk about it because they say they shame but hey its life so I don't here from my father he says he only have one son. I don't want to hear from him he an asshole and I don't have a brother but my mother tries to hit me up from time to time when she aint around him. It do hurt do bey cause if it wasn't for my aunt I would be on the streets gang banging trying to survive (Dion begin to drop tears from his eyes)

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