Chapter 42

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Camila's currently over two months pregnant. The girls and I are taking a break until Camila delivers, since then the two of us have been staying at the house in Miami and have been trying to stay out of the media, they already know she's pregnant since they caught her leaving a hotel with her bump that was showing but the only way that you were able to see it at the time was if you zoomed into the picture. Of course some fans were glad and supporting, the others well...let's not talk about that.


"Camz I'm home!" I shouted coming in with the bags of groceries. "Camz?!" I heard a jingling coming down the stairs meaning Colton and moonlight were running. Seeing me they barked and Colton bit the bottom of my pants and tried to drag me to the stairs while moonlight barked running back up. "Yo guys what's wrong?" Colton barked and ran up the stairs while I followed him. They led me to the bathroom, while I heard crying coming from inside. Knowing it was Camila I opened the door and found her sitting on the edge of the bathtub with a blood stain on her pants and holding her stomach tight. "Camz what's wrong?!" I asked worried going over to her.

"I-it hurts"

"I'm calling an ambulance"


"Is she gonna be okay?" I asked the doctor in the same room where Camila was asleep in her hospital bed.

"Yes she'll be fine, she'll have pain in her abdomen for a couple days but we've prescribed pain medication for it"

"What about the baby?" I asked bitting my lower lip.

"She had a miscarriage, we had to abort it. I'm so sorry. Ms. Cabello should be waking up shortly, call the nurse and they'll give her pain medication"

"Thank you" the doctor closed the door once he left while I let myself fall into the chair that was next to Camila. I can't believe we lost our baby.

I felt tears starting to roll down my cheeks.


"Hey" I faked smiled and whipped my tears. "How are you feeling?"

"My abdomen hurts" I nodded then pressed the button that calls the nurse. "How long was I out?"

"Few hours"

"What did they say was wrong with me?"

" wanna get yogurt after?"

"Y/N what did they say?"

"Hey did you see that Kylie jenner's lips are fake?"

"Baby, tell me what they said"

"You had a miscarriage, they had to abort the baby" I saw her facial expression fall and break down. "Hey scoot over" she did what I told her and I scooted into the bed, wrapping my arms around her while she cried into my chest. I wanted to break too, I really did, but I knew I have to stay strong for her. "Hey it's okay" my voice cracked.

"I wanted this so bad" she cried.

"I know Camz, I did too, you know I did. Maybe this is just a sign that it's not our time to have a baby"

"I know, but I was really looking forward to becoming a mom, seeing the pups play with our daughter or son, seeing you teaching them to play soccer, singing them to sleep, having them come into our room when they have a bad dream. I-I wanted that" Camila explained.

"Ill tell you what Camz, in the future we actually plan on a baby that way we'll know that we wanted it, and we can live out all those things you said and more. She'll be momma's little princess"

"Or she'll be mommy's baby boy"

"I love you koala"

"I love you too"


"Cam you wanna get dominos for dinner?" I asked as we cuddled in bed watching Peter Pan.

"Sure" I reached over to grab my phone then called dominos. "Can I get a large half pineapple, and have pepperoni pizza. With hot wings and the stuff bacon and jalapeño cheese bread. Alright thank you, have a good night" I said before hanging up. "It'll be here in about a half hour"


"Camz where are you?" I asked a few days later as I walked into the house. Simon gave us a few more weeks off after what happened, saying we should take a break for a week. "Camz?!" I walked up to the room finding Camila going through the pictures we took while she was pregnant. "Hey, cam don't cry" I told her while I sat next to her wrapping my arms around her while she sobbed onto my shoulder. "It's okay, it's all going to be okay"

"W-we l-lost our baby" she sobbed.

"I know Camz and it hurts, but I guess it was just the wrong time for us, maybe that god had this happen because it wasn't our time to have a baby. Don't cry princess please" I kissed her forehead. "Hey I got a surprise for you"

"I'm not in the mood for any"

"Come on please" I begged.

"But I have to get dressed and-"

"Noooo you don't, come on" I stood up and pulled her up off the bed, she was wearing sweats and one of my t shirts.

"Babe where are we going, why are you taking me to the backyard" she asked.

"You ask a lot of question babe, and because this" I pulled the blinds to the door window exposing a bunch of baby animals in cages. Tigers, bear cubs, koalas, ect.

"Did you adopt a zoo?" Camila giggled, the first time in a few days since the incident happened.

"Noooo but I did rent one, I thought hey why not. Come on" we walked out side to a women in a tan button up, and shorts. "Cam this is Melissa the animal care taker, Melissa this is my girlfriend camila"

"Oh it's so great to finally meet you I've heard great things about you from Y/N" Melissa told her

"Wait what?" Camila asked confused

"Well Melissa is kinda my god mother, she works for the zoo here" I explained. "Kinda had to beg her to do this since it was last minute"

"Anything for my god kid....and $150 more an hour... Kidding I'm totally kidding" she laughed.


"Oh my god he's so cute!" I said playing with the baby tiger by the name of Oscar. "Hey where you goin" I said seeing him get out of my lap and walk behind me. "HEYYY" I laughed feeling him climb on my back and getting on my shoulder.

"Babe look over here" I heard Camila giggle, looking over to her she had her phone pointed at me and staunched my nose then made a weird face.

We played with the animals for hours, smiling, and laughing.

It's been a while since I've seen Camila smile this big, and I've missed that smile.


A/N any ideas what should happen next I need help

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