Chapter 6

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First day in LA to write and record with Ariana. Heading to the studio I got a call from mom.

"Hey mommy" I said when I answered

"Hi sweetie how'd you sleep?" She asked

"Pretty well, and I never got to thank you for sending my blankie out. It means a lot mom thank you"

"No need to thank me baby. I know how you get when you're away for too long. How are your nightmares?"

"They haven't happened lately, and when they do I just cuddle with one of the girls"

"Good. So how are things with you and Caaaamila"

"Oh my god" I laughed

"Hey a mother has to know"

"Well you know about the whole thing with Bea?" I asked

"Yea Skyler told me"

"Well she said I couldn't tell people about it, Camila found out then slapped me, then Dinah found out and almost killed me"

"Awe I'm sorry sweetie"

"Nah it's fine"

"So what's going on now"

"Well before leaving Camila said the she wasn't mad, just hurt and that she didn't want me to leave. I told her when I get Back we'll pick things where we left off and patch things up"

"I hope it works out between you two"

"So do I. do you know"

"Well you've had a crush on her since 2012 and I may or may not have Ally giving me the scoop on you"

"Moooooom" I whinnied

"Hey you're my baby and I have to know"

"Well how come you do it with me and not Austin"

"You're my favorite and with your nightmares, anxiety, and depression I worry okay"

"Yay I'm the favorite" I smiled.

"Oh I almost forgot I'm flying out to see you tomorrow"

"Yay" I cheered

"Well I gotta go do some paper work. I'll call later okay?"

"Okay. Love you"

"Love you too, bye sweetie"

"Bye mom"

"You're such a mummy's girl" Skyler laughed after I hung up

"Well I am sorry for loving my mother"

"They say the ones who treat their moms with respect are bound to treat their girlfriends with respect"

"Well when I date someone I do treat them right, I will never pressure them into something they aren't okay with. You've seen me around Camila before this whole thing broke out"

"Yea you're whipped and you aren't even together"

"What can I say, She got me wrapped around her finger" I admitted.


"Hey you're y/n I'm ariana" she said when we walked into the studio.

"Yea it's nice to meet you" I smiled and shook her hand. We sat together on the leather couch with my guitar and a couple of pencils and note pads.

After a while we only had one verse and pre chorus to the song we had written.

"I know your motives and you know mine
The ones that love me, I tend to leave behind
If you know about me and choose to stay
Then take this pleasure and take it with the pain

And if in the moment you bite your lip
When I get you moaning you know it's real
Can you feel the pressure between your hips?
I'll make it feel like the first time" I sang, we both agreed on that I will sing this part since it matched my voice better.

"Sound great" she smiled. "Well we should call it a day"

"Yea you're right. It was great meeting you"

"I can say the same" she smiled.


Right now after leaving the studio it was 5pm and I was heading to the o2l house because JC wanted to do a collab with me on a video. Knowing him we will get hurt in some physical way. He said we were gonna have a spelling contest but I know there's some kind of catch. We've known each other for a while when I went to a VidCon, well technically I was dragged to it because of Austin, JC was there and we got to talking.

When I arrived at the house Kian answered the door and wishbone came running to me.

"Hey buddy" I said picking up wishbone while he began licking my face.

"Probably the only guy you let lick you" kian commented.

"Oops" I said before finding JC setting up mouse trap. "Nope nope I'm done bye" I told him when I saw the mouse traps then headed towards the door.

"No no no no no no you don't" he said grabbing my shoulders turning me around and then sitting me in a chair in front of the traps. I mad a face with a mixture of a pout and discussed then sat down wishbone on the floor.


"DAHHHH UGGGHH FUCK!!" I screamed when the mouse trap closed on my finger. "I'm not gonna take it off because it hurts so bad"

When we finished the video our hands were purple and red from the traps.

"I fucking hate you" I told JC while I had ice on my hands. "God I should've know there was a catch"

"Hey you've known me for like 3 years you really should've" he laughed

"Hey bud I better get going or Skyler will kill me"

"Alright I'll see you later" we hugged "good seeing you again"

"You two and next time were doing a collage on MY channel"

"Whatever you say bro"


By the time I was back at my apartment in LA my hands had stop hurting a bit but there was still purple. God why do I keep doing JC's videos.

I was looking for my soccer warm ups when I got a FaceTime call from Camila on my iPad. I smiled to myself and pressed answer soon she showed up on the screen eating a banana.

"Oh god you're changing I-"

"Cam it's fine" I laughed, I was only wearing a sports bra and boxer briefs. "I'm just looking for clothes" when I found my Adidas pants I put them on then started looking for a shirt. Specifically I was looking for a Blink182 shirt but at one point I just quit and stayed in my sports bra. "I could've sworn I brought my Blink shirt on the tour"


"Wait cam..."


"Are you wearing my shirt?" I chuckled.

"Nooo..." She said and crossed her arms over her chest covering the design on the front.

"Cute" I smiled.

"You left it in your drawer and it smells like you and I miss you I just, sorry"

"It's okay I'm not mad" I smiled. "You look cute in it"

"Am I punk rock yet"

"I think we both know that no matter what to where you will ALWAYS look like a puppy" I smiled.

"No I'm just as punk as you"

"Cam cam cami, we both know I'm not fully punk. One minute I'm wearing torn clothing the next...I'm in a polo shirt"

"It's cute either way you go"

"Hey when I press punk there is no way in hell I'm cute"

"Yea whatever helps you sleep at night" she laughed.

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