Chapter 9

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I was walking around the bus, well more like turning the bus upside down, trying to looks for my silver paper airplane necklace. My grandfather gave it to me before she lost a battle to cancer. When I was younger we'd always make paper airplanes then throw them off the roof of the house. He gave it to me while he was in the hospital fighting for his life, he said he'd been keeping it since I was 7 and that he would've given it to me when I was old enough. I have never taken it off, only taken it off when I'd shower then out it right back on afterwards. But this time ally needed help with something and then left it somewhere and now I couldn't find it. I was on the edge of crying not being able to find it.

"Y/n can I borrow your- what happened in here" Camila said coming into the back longer finding everything all over the place. "Are you okay? What's wrong" Camila said noticing I was about to cry.

"I can't find it, I've looked everywhere" I told with a few tears escaping my eyes

"My paper airplane necklace my grandfather I can't find it" I said and just sat on the floor with my knees against my chest sobbing.

"I found it in my bunk" Camila told me and sat next to me then talking off my necklace that was around her neck. "I put it on and then forgot to give it back. I'm so sorry. Wait..I thought Becky G gave it to you" i let out a small laugh

"Guessing that's a rumor?" I smiled, she didn't reply. "My grandfather gave it to me before he died. We used to make airplanes and the throw them off the roof of the house. But he told me when I found someone I really care about to give it to them, and I think I found that person"

"Well here you should give it to them" she said handing me over the silver chain.

"I am" I smiled then closed her hand around it.

"I can't-"

"I want you too" I told her taking the small chain from her then placing it around her neck. When I took her hair out she turned to me and we started gazing into each others eyes. How I wanted to kiss her ever so badly.

"Then why don't you" shit I said that out loud I really need to stop that. "You really do" she laughed. Fuck. "Just kiss me" my eyes trailed down to her lips then I ran my tongue over my own. I leaned in slowly then attached our lips together. Every time we kiss it made my race a mile a minute. I'm able to run 7 miles without stoping at an 8 minute pace, yet this girl right in front of me was able to make my heart race faster.

Oxygen was becoming a problem right now, I unattached our lips then placed them on her cheek, leaving kisses until I reached her neck. I started sucking on her pulse softly, I smirked when I heard her moan softly. After a bit I was pretty sure I had left a hickey on her skin. Oh well, maybe now Austin can know that she's mine, might not be official but she is mine. My lips found hers once again and moved together perfectly. I had to force myself to pull away from her lips, when I did we were both trying to catch our breaths.

"Well I'll leave you two alone..." Normani said before closing the door walking out.

"Guessing she saw us" I joked.

"Yea pretty much" she giggled. "And thank you for the necklace" she said holding the paper airplane in her hands that was hanging from her neck.

"Don't thank me, I'm just following my grandfathers orders" I smiled and pecked the tip of her nose.

"So is he why you have a paper airplane tattooed on the side of your hand?"

"Yes actually. I remember him telling me that life was like a paper plane. Throw your life in the air and let the wind take you anywhere, it could be good or bad, and remember why you started and where to land. He's had a massive impact on my life for a really long time even after he passed. I remember being little and when I was bullied for being different I'd run straight to his house and he'd make me smile by doing magic, the simple trick by pulling a quarter from your ear or making something disappear. Or for my birthday when I was 13 he gave me a switch blade, that he gave to my dad but when my dad died my grandfather got it back and he gave it to me. He told me, 'just because you have a knife doesn't mean you can harm things' and that honestly to me I felt like he was referring to me because I was self harming. Then when I was 16 I was in a mental hospital for trying to kill myself, he'd come visit me every single day that I was in there, which was for a few months, unlike Austin who came like once a month because he was afraid to be seen walking into it" I said and trying to fight back tears. "Cam there's only stuff you girls know about me from what I've told you. I have never told anyone this at all. I never open up to anyone. When I was going to therapy most of the time id stay silent because I don't open up because I'm afraid someone will use it against me. What I just told you no one else knows"

"Well I'm honored to be the first. You know you can tell me anything, and I'm not just saying that you should know"

"I just need time for me to share my feelings with someone"

"I understand and I'm willing to wait"

"You really are something Cabello" I smiled then placed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Yo guys mani told me y'all were making out here now stop because PLL is on" Dinah said flopping on the couch that was covered in clothes that I had thrown when I was looking for my necklace.


"Today on E news Camila cabello was caught leaving the venue with a paper airplane necklace around her neck. That may not seem like a big deal but that necklace belongs to Y/N who is Austin Mahone's twin sister. Not only was it Y/N's but she herself was not wearing it today and as we all know she never takes it off. Could this be a new hot couple?"

"THE SHIP HAS SAILED!" Dinah shouted throwing her arms in the air. We were all in the back lounge except for Camila who was showering.

"Oooooh Y/N and Camila sitting in a tree K I S S I N G-" Lauren sang but then I threw a pillow at her.

"Oh hush" I told her.

"You guys are so cute together" Ally said.

"Ask her out already" Normani added

"I will I'm just..scared. I've never liked a girl this much before, and when I've come close to it I always end up hurting. People think I'm heartless when really I just listen to my heart less. I broke it one too many times now I just listen to my heart less"

"You're no where near heartless, if anything you have the a really big heart" Ally said and cuddled into me and then I wrapped my arms around her small figure. "You're squishing me"

"Shh you're small and tiny and it's comfortable"

"Heyyyy I wanted to cuddle with Y/N" Camila said pouting standing in the doorway wearing one of my sweatshirts and pajama pants.

"Cmere" I told her, and she walked over to me and straddled my waist then barried her face into the crook of my neck. Then hearing a click but I just ignored it and enjoyed the embrace of the girl on top of me.

"Y/n I'm tired" Camila told me

"Well that's my cue to get this over grown child to bed" I said standing up with Camila's arms and legs wrapped around me. "Night girls"


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