Chapter 39

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"HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!" I heard Camila yell with a weight on me. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She continued to shout planting kisses all over my face, making me laugh. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU SLUT!"

"Thank you Camz" I laughed placing my hands on her thighs since she was straddling me.

"Your last year of being a teenager" she pointed out since now I was 19.

"I know, it's crazy yet I'm still a loser"

"No you're not a loser you're a winner" she said and pecked my lips, before she was to pull away I placed my hand on the back of her beck bringing her lips to mine again.

"hija nos dijo que esperar hasta que lleguemos aquí para despertarla" Sinu said coming in making Camila and I pull away.

"lo siento pero yo no podía esperar que quería sorprender la primera" Camila said, feeling myself twitch when I heard her speak spanish. She must've felt it because she looked back at me blushing.

"así vamos a dejar que ustedes dos para vestirse" Sinu told us before leaving with Sofi and Alejandro closing the door behind her.

"Cam I told you I didn't wanna do anything" I told her.

"Well to bad were doing something, but first I think you have something that is a need to be taken care of" she wrapped her hand on the waist bad of my short. "happy birthday baby" she said softly before pecking my hip then going down.


"Sinu please you didn't have to make me breakfast, and the balloons, the cake-"

"No shh eat" she said placing a plate of eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes I front of me.

"Thank you but it's not-"

"Babe stop trying my mom always gets her way" Camila told me before I let out a sigh.

"Thank you Sinu" I smiled.

"You're welcome sweetie, and we got you this" she said handing me a box

"Guys it-"

"Hush and open it"

"We got you a card too" Sofi told me giving me a card with Spider-Man on it.

"Thanks kiddo" I smiled before sitting her on my lap.

"Dear y/n

Happy birthday thank you for coming into our lives and bringing us happiness and making Camila happy. We cherish your love and friendship, and hope you have an amazing birthday. We hope this next you brings you peace, love and joy.

Happy birthday

Sofi, Alejandro, Sinu and Camila" I read the letter out loud.

"Thank you" I smiled. Camila handed me the box that had been wrapped on Spider-man wrapping paper, outing it on the counter I started to unwrap it. When I opened it I found a galaxy, and American flag tank tops, cargo shorts, black beanie, and a red SnapBack with cheetah print on the rim. "Thank you" I smiled before hugging everyone.

"The girls sent presents too" Camila said and handed me four more boxes

Dinah set me a few snapbacks and a pair of Nike's. Normani sent a pair of Jordan's. Ally, a Spider-Man onesie, and Lauren sent a journal with a few beanie.

"WHERE IS THE BIRTHDAY SON OF A BITCH!" I heard Robert yell coming I to the house.

"Dude don't cuss there's an eight year old here!" I shouted.

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