Chapter 40

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Y/t/name: @hayesgrier Learn to wipe your ass first before trying to hit on MY girlfriend. You're like 14, pretty sure she doesn't want some fuckboy famous for nothing child. Have a nice day😊

After tweeting that hell had broken loose between Harmonizers, my geeks, against whatever that kids fans are called.

It wasn't the first time I called out some guy or in this case, child out on twitter for hitting on Camila. I do get in trouble with Sky but I don't like people hitting on what's mine. Camila just thinks it's cute how I get jealous when people hit on her.

It's also been a few days since I found out she was pregnant, but we still haven't told our parents yet, or the girls. Camila and I were actually excited for the baby, even though she thought I would freak and leave her. We would sleep every night where I would kiss her stomach before going to bed, or when ever I had gotten the chance to, I'd fall asleep with my head resting on her stomach, but before falling asleep I'd talk to the little raspberry baby inside her, I'd say weird jokes then Camila would say she hope that our child gets my sense of humor them we'd argue because I want a mini Camila. On names we'd chose Addison Carter Michele Mahone-Cabello for a girl and for a boy we chose Carter Greyson Mahone-Cabello.

When the baby was here we were thinking of either moving out of the house into a bigger one, or making one of the rooms into a nursery.

As for the pups, they basically knew Camila was pregnant, when we would cuddle the pups would cuddle on to her stomach and rub their heads against her.

"Babe you have to stop calling out people out online" Camila told me while she rested against her head on my stomach.

"I'm sorry that I don't like people flirting with you, especially if it's some kid from magcon that's famous for nothing" I said honestly.

"I know but you can get in trouble for it you know that"

"I know and it's worth it. Can I ask you something?"


"What would you do if when our little baby is here I would get their name tattooed?"


"Basically covering my side" I told her running my hand over my side. "I want it big though"

"I think it'll be cute, I kinda wanna get their name tattooed also" she smiled. "First child and all"

"When do you wanna tell our parents about it? You're already a few weeks and you're gonna start showing around 6" (a/n I know first time moms don't start showing around 12 weeks just go with it)

"Well we both have to head to New York in a few days so before we leave honestly, management already knows, we can tell the girls when we meet back up"



"God your dad is gonna kill me" I muttered as Camila and I walked up to her parents house. "If I don't make it out tell the baby I love it"

"Oh god shut up were going to be fine" Camila told me.

"Hope so"


Sofi was at school so it was just Camila and I sitting across from her parents. Oh we should've rehearsed how we should've done this.

"Mami, papi, Y/n and I love each other, more than anything. And trust me when I tell you this, she won't leave me at all. This wasn't planned it just kinda happened. Well-"

"I got Camila pregnant I'm sorry I forgot to tell her to take her pill it my fault please don't kill me" I cut her off.

"Yea I'm pregnant" she said with. Half smile.

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