Chapter 14

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A couple days I was having a radio interview in North Carolina. Chrissy was on tour with us one one seemed to mined, well Camila probably. Chrissy knows Camila and I had a thing I guess you could say because she had a right to know. Chrissy tried to become friends with Camila but that wasn't working out so she gave up.

"Now we are here with Y/N mahone how are you?" The guy asked.

"I'm good how are you" I smiled.

"I'm great. So this is your first tour am I right?"


"And it was kinda unexpected?"

"Pretty much. I mean Austin just came up to me and said he wanted me to open up for him. I was kinda forced to come on this your to be honest"

"And what do you plan to do after?"

"Well I plan to move out to LA or back to Texas, or even somewhere in Miami even. As far as music wise I'm not really sure yet. I've gotten offers from music labels but I gotta find one that's meant for me ya know"

"So we are going to be taking some fan questions if you don't mind for our lovely audience here in front of us if you don't mind"

"No not at all"

"So the first question is what's it like to share a bus with Fifth Harmony?"

"Well they are incredible girls, all of them. Sharing a bus can be a little crazy I mean Dinah she's a really big prankster, this one time I woke up and had something inappropriate drawn on my face. I mean first I don't even like what she drew because they're weird and I have one, like se could've drawn something else but nooooo. Anyway it's just a fun time with them. We have this drawer that's filled with nerf guns and if were on the road for a while we'll just have a fight or if we're at a stop we have water guns and just yea. The girls are amazing and really fun, sharing a bus is amazing. It's filled with helpless laughs and awkward jokes"

"Okay next question. What is going on between you and Camila? She was wearing your necklace that you never take off so don't say it was nothing. Damn this fan is pretty demanding"

"Well I gave her my necklace because my grandfather told me before he passed that when I met someone I really do care about to give it to them. I was following his wishes"

"This person asks are you dating Chrissy from Against the Current?"

"Yes I am dating Chrissy" everyone awed. "She's an amazing girl. Basically everything I ever wanted in someone" I explained. Part of that was a lie and the lie was, she wasn't Camila.

"There's always something that one hates about the person they're dating. Is there anything that Chrissy does?"

"Yes. And that is that she clearly fricking cheats at video games! Oh my god every time we play she frickin cheats. But then I go and attack her village in clash of clans so and take her money do it's gucci"

"If you could date anyone you were on tour with who would it be?"

"Lauren" I said without a second thought. "For sure Lauren"

"This person asks if have ever taken someone's first kiss" I thought for a moment and realized the only person I kissed that didn't have their first kiss was Camila.

"Yes but I've only taken one persons first kiss, I was honored to be their first. I just kinda wished we ended being something more"

"Okay so this question is. Would you rather have legs as long as fingers it fingers as long as legs"

"What the hell" I laughed. "Well oh god that's wow. I can just imagine that and it makes me uncomfortable. Frick oh my god.i guess fingers as legs."

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