❈ BONUS || The Balladeer Cares

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(TIMELINE: The beginning where Pantalone started ignoring Y/N and Scaramouche kept her company.)

"Well you suck." Scaramouche deadpan said as he watched Y/N missed the target when using the bow.

She gasped, "How dare you! It's my first time-"

"And here you said, you are good at everything? Y/N, you do suck." He answered cutting her off with a blunt expression.

Y/N simply stared at him with her jaw dropped.

Her eyes narrowed and faced him, "Well atleast I'm capable of fighting. How about you tiny little Harbinger who never had the chance to grow taller, I still wonder why you are small. I'm almost talle-"

He yelled, "Y/N! If you dare finish that sentence I swear you will be six feet underground later night."

"Then stop saying that I'm bad at using a bow since it's not my first weapon!"

Scaramouche couldn't help but smirk as they continued to argue cutely over something nonsense.

The two finally finished the arguement and walked around the open area of the castle.

"So, if ever you had a chance to travel somewhere else... Where would it be?" Scaramouche asked as he faced the traveler.

She thought about and stared up to the sky, Liyue is her number choice... But other than Liyue she wanted to visit Sumeru the most. Just the feeling of nature around is already enough for an adventure.

"Sumeru... I'm curious about their knowledge. And the Lesser Lord Kusanali... And mostly, it's nature! Sumeru is somewhat different here in Snezhnaya, so I'll call it curiousity instead." She replied as she gestures opening her arms wide.

The Balladeer stared at her, he was expecting a region other than Sumeru.. mostly like Liyue.

'But by looking at how Pantalone is acting towards Y/N, I think sending her to Liyue is better. I can't let you go to Sumeru since I have my own plans Y/N'

He thought, so he faced her. The girl stopped her tracks and faced him as well.

"By the way, how are you feeling? Mostly... Ehem- how the Regrator is acting?" He asked uncomfortably.

He watched as the joy of her face turned into a small frown and smiled sadly, "Oh you know... Still thought I'm invisible. Ha, it hurts. But atleast I kept Childe's little brother company, while you secretly care about me."

The Balladeer's face burned at embarrassment and yelled.

"Since when did I ever care about you?!"

She laughed, "No you never said it... But by looking at your body language, you do care." She teased before skipping towards the entrance of the castle again.

"Y/N! Take that back! Or I will kill you myself-"

"With you small height? I doubt you could kill me with your own hands, that's why you let the fatui do the dirty things for you!" She fired back.

Scaramouche huffed and stomped towards where the girl is who was waiting for him at the entrance laughing uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, a midnight black haired man stared at the pair from the window of his office.

The pang of jealousy hit him as he watched her smile brightly at Scaramouche.

But why does he feel jealous?

Sadness took over his face as he thought about the past events.

He continued ignoring Y/N, it made him focus more on his work which leads him to a good ending. But it pains him to see his snowflake smiling at another person except him.

With an annoyed tsk, he went out of his office since he has another schedule to finish. As he walked down the hallway, reading the information on the papers he didn't notice Y/N and Scaramouche walked passed him.

The girl's chest tighten at the lack of attention she recieved and gazed down to the floor.

The Balladeer stared at her with a hint of worry.

If there was a chance to kill somebody at this very moment, it would be Pantalone first.

"Y/N." Scaramouche called.

She stopped walking and let her gaze fall to him. He smirked.

"Don't frown now, remember I'll stay by your side. When the time you needed help, I'll surely be there once you need it, for traveling of course." He said as he patted her hair and walking away.

She stared at him, thankful.

"Thank you, Scaramouche. I'll always be your friend!" She replied running towards him.

"Shut up. Your not my friend."

"Oh really~?"



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