❈ 21 || Speak to me

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(TW: Blood)

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(TW: Blood)

It's been 2 days since Dottore disappeared
along side Y/N.

No one has any idea where they were.

Even Pantalone.

He couldn't focus at his work, mostl of the time he was worried at Y/N.

His heart ached as he imaged what the girl is doing right now. He is afraid that she will come home with blood on her hands along with Trauma.

A frown took over his face.

'She won't be the same anymore.'


The Treasure Hoarder, fell down on the ground with a loud thud as blood leaked out of his torso.

An emotionless and controlled Y/N simply just pulled her blade out harshly. Not caring as the blood splashed at her hands and face.

Her vision was blinded, she can only hear the orders of the Doctor.

And him only.

Dottore took Y/N out for a "Test".

She already killed over 20 people in the span of 2 days. Most of them are Treasure Hoarders doing illegal business in Snezhnaya that affects the livings of the poor.

But still, it was still killing instead of interrogating.

Dottore clapped his hands as he watched with amusement, "Good Job, my dear tool. Now, cover their bodies with those old blankets near their camp." He ordered.

Still getting controlled, Y/N obeyed his orders. And soon she covered 5 bodies if very bloodied dead Treasure Hoarders.

As Dottore watched Y/N do the dirty work, he saw a long group of strands of her hair turning a bit gray.

It was colored on a very complicated spot on her hair, but he ignored it.

"Good, let's head back shall we?"

The trip back to the castle was quiet, no one bothered to talk. Well Y/N really can't.

She was still covered in blood, the light in her eyes were gone, her body was also a bit pale.

Y/N doesn't look like who she was before. She looks more menacing.

"What happened to her?!" A familiar voice reached Dottore's ears.

Looking ahead of him, he saw Pantalone looking at him with pure fury in his eyes.

Pantalone stomped his way towards the two, "Why is she covered with blood, Dottore." He demanded.

The Doctor rolled his eyes sarcastically before snapping his fingers.

The girl's head snapped up towards him, waiting for his order.

Pantalone stared at her with pain, she looked uncomfortable. Like she wanted to be free from the control but she can't help it.

Il Dottore pointed towards his laboratory, she knew already what to do. Her mind was clouded, only to follow his orders.

She walked passed Pantalone, not giving him a single glanced. But for some reason as the girl's passed him she felt a small pain towards her chest but she ignored it.

The midnight black haired man just watched her figure disappear out of his sight entering the lab of Dottore.

He glared at him.

"What. Did. You. Do?" He gritted his teeth as he waits for Dottore to admit his asnwer.

He smirked, "Just did a test, to see how much she will obey me. And everything went well!"

Pantalone watched Dottore with pure hatred like he won a new trophy for being the most handsome character in a story.

The man opened his mouth to respond at Dottore, but he was simply got cut off.

"She killed, 20 people. My invention worked." His sinister smile gave it all away.

Clenching his hand, Psntalone eyes narrowed at Dottore.

"How dare you, she wanted to become a traveler!"

"Oh don't worry, she will get what she wants again. Just wait."


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