Chapter 12- Touring

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A/n: My image

I peeked out the small opening of the door. I saw a man dressed in black walking towards me. "Uhm h-hello? Could you, uh, maybe do something for me?" I asked nervously. He stopped and looked at me. I slowly stepped out, revealing the dog sleeping in my arms. I shyly smiled. "Could you possibly watch my dog while I'm gone? I promise it'll only be an hour or so," I hesitantly stated.

The young man hummed. "You're with Cuori Incrinati, yes?" I nodded. "The show ends in two hours. Try to be back before then," he said, walking over to me. "Anything I should know about..." he paused.

I caught onto what he meant. "Oh! It's Hestia. Sorry. She doesn't bite or anything. And she likes new people," I explained. I accidentally shuffled her around and she woke up. She looked around and stared at the man. She wagged her tail and I giggled. "See? Harmless and lazy." I smiled.


I got out of the car and closed the door behind me. I looked at the driver side window, which was rolled down. "Thank you so much," I said in gratitude. The driver had driven me into a popular place in the city where there were historical sites and shops.

He nodded. "Ring me up when you're ready to go back to the venue and I'll be here as soon as I can. Have fun, lady," he replied before rolling his window up. I watched as he drove away down the street.

After I saw him turn a corner I faced the shopping center. The place was buzzing with so many people that it made me a bit nervous. I gripped the strap of my purse as I closed my eyes. I inhaled a deep breath and reopened my eyes. It's fine, it's just people.

I looked around. There was a cute little cafe that I spotted. Maybe I would go there later. Really, I didn't know what I was doing. I thought that maybe getting out and possibly getting more clothes would be like a fresh breath of air. Maybe I could get something for the boys too?

I began walking around. I wonder what kind of things they'd like. I stepped into a small shop that seemed to be filled with clothes. Before I could start to look around a voice startled me from my thoughts.

"Hey, you look familiar!" I turned around and saw two girls walking towards me. I blushed in embarrassment, thinking they'd had the wrong person. They were dressed in dark colors and one had their hair dyed pink. They were dressed like Colly.

I stuttered. "Uhm n-no, I uh- I think you have the wrong person," I nervously stated, letting out a small chuckle.

One girl looked down at her phone and scrolled through something. A moment later she held her phone out to me. I watched the screen. The video of Quinn throwing his pick to me played and I blushed. Then, there was a video of Quinn and I talking to each other. It was when he asked me to join him on the tour.

My jaw dropped and I gaped at the video. The girl pulled her phone back and grinned. "That's you, right?" She squealed.

I opened and closed my mouth, unable to form words. A few seconds later all I could do was just nod. Wait, why did I do that?! I didn't want people to know who I was!

However, the girls' faces only lit up. "Oh my god! You know Cuori Incrinati!!" The pink haired one cheered. Luckily, she didn't completely yell it. My face was probably tomato red though. "How'd you meet them?" She asked excitedly.

I looked down at them. They must've been at least thirteen, which explains their excitement. I mustered a small smile. "Pure coincidence," I answered, letting a small laugh escape me.

The raven haired girl pulled her phone out. "Can we please get a picture? We couldn't make it to the concert today, but getting a picture with you would be, like, the next best thing," she beamed.

I shuffled my foot around. "Wait, me? Are you sure? I'm not famous or anything," I said. I was surprised by her question. They both nodded eagerly. I hastily glanced around. "Okay, but please don't put it online." I sighed, giving in as my eyes returned to theirs.

They cheered again and got on each side of me. She held her phone up and we all smiled for the photo. The camera flashed, signaling that the picture had been taken.

The girls stepped away, giving me some space. I grinned at them. They both looked down at the image before looking back up at me. "This is becoming my new lock screen! Thank you!" They giggled.


"I still can't get over how you're basically touring with Cuori Incrinati," Colly said. I could absolutely hear the jealousy in her voice.

It worked my hair around my finger as I watched people walk by. I was sat at a table outside the small cafe from earlier. I'd gone through a few shops and even found some things for the boys. "We've had this conversation like five times." I laughed.

I could practically see her pouting. "Venus! This is huge! They don't just ask anyone to join them! In fact, I don't remember the last time they had someone tour with them!!" She exclaimed. "And not just that! You literally gave up your life to join them. You sold the apartment, quit your job, AND left me behind," she stated in a joking tone.

I sighed. "I know. I don't know what took over me. Maybe I just wanted something different for once," I replied, shuffling my foot against the ground.

Colly hummed incredulously. "You sure it wasn't Quinn's charm?" She asked. I knew she was smirking at that moment.

My face burned. "Wh-what?! What's that supposed to mean?" I questioned and she sighed. My eyes caught onto a familiar vehicle pulling up. I stood up and grabbed my drink and the two bags. "Hey, I have to go. I'll talk to you later, love ya!" I said. I couldn't wait for a reply so I hung up and pocketed my phone. I'd called the driver around ten minutes ago since I was done.

I walked over to the backseat door and opened it. I smiled at the man as he watched me in his mirror. I set the bags down before getting in and closing the door.

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