Chapter 9- Goodnight Goodbye

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I ran down the sidewalk towards the park. I was late!! I allowed Hestia to pull me through the park gates. I noticed a figure standing under a tree, smiling at the scenery. We ran up to him and I let out a huff. "I'm so sorry I'm late! I lost track of time," I exclaimed in embarrassment, twisting my hair. I noticed Hestia happily wagging her tail as she stood in front of the man.

Quinn turned to me and a small smirk appeared on his lips. "Lost in your thoughts of me?" He teased. I blushed deeply and quickly shook my head. He laughed. "Kidding, bellezza. It's no big deal," he said gently. He glanced down and smiled. "Oh I see you brought this cutie." He bent down and began petting her.

I nervously chuckled, shuffling my leg around. "I thought Hestia would enjoy going on a walk today," I muttered. The dog seemed to be loving the attention she was being given. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her.

Quinn stood back up. "Let's go then, shall we?" He asked dramatically, grinning widely. My face reddened when I saw his expression. I slowly nodded.

We began walking along the small trail around the park. The silence was killing me, but it didn't seem to be bothering Quinn at all. I stole a glimpse at him. "Uhm, so uh, when's your next concert?" Stupid. I already knew the answer. Well at least the silence would disappear.

He hummed. "Tomorrow night. Then we have to get everything packed up and get back on the road. I'm surprised we had three concerts here actually," he stated. God, his voice was intoxicating. WHAT THE HELL?!

I cleared my throat, trying to rid myself of those thoughts. "Oh. So I guess I won't be seeing you anymore, huh?" I remarked. That was kind of upsetting. He was interesting and there was something about him I didn't want to lose.

He sighed. "I guess so. Cazzo, I didn't think of that until now," he mentioned, looking down at me beside him. Our eyes locked. I saw the hint of something I couldn't pinpoint in his eyes. He looked forward again. "So how are you liking our music so far?" He inquired, smirking.

I played with my hair and looked away. "It's different, but I think I really like it so far. It is quite pretty, really." I mumbled the last part, a small smile appearing on my face. "I never knew it could be so... I don't know." I grinned and laughed.

He chuckled. "That's what I like to hear. Please say you have a favourite rock song already." He said in a joking tone. He glimpsed down at me.

I nodded, playing with a few strands of my hair. "Yeah, I really like Dance Macabre. I could dance to that forever." I giggled. My cheeks began to hurt from smiling so widely.

He pulled a dramatic hurt look. "Ouch, not even a song I play in, bellezza." He sighed in a solemn manner and put a hand over his heart. I noticed how much his veins and bones really showed then.

I let out a small laugh. "Sorry, I can't help it. It's such a good song." I exclaimed, covering my mouth with my hand.

Quinn continued with his act. "Sorry, I just don't think I can forgive you. You should know... this hurts me very deeply," he said, facing away. I giggled at him. He glanced at me from the corner of his eye. A small smirk appeared on his lips and he looked down at me. "Laughing at my pain, I see, bellezza." He chuckled.

I let out a muffled "sorry" from behind my hand. I was still laughing a little. He shook his head. I finally took notice of how close he actually was to me. One wrong step and we would brush up against each other.

A small smirk grew on his lips. "Bellezza," he began. He stopped walking and turned towards me. I followed suit and quirked a brow at him in confusion. "Will you be going to the concert tomorrow?" He asked. There was something in his voice I couldn't identify.

My eyes widened a little bit and I blushed. "Uh-um, no. No, I'm not. I'm sorry," I stated. I was quickly getting lost in his dark chocolate eyes.

He smiled a little. "It's alright. Just a simple question." He said in a low tone. His hand brushed my hair over my shoulder, his smirk returning. I blushed at his actions. "I hope I see you again, Venus. Goodnight," he said. I felt his hand graze against my jaw as he turned around.

And just like that he began walking towards the parking lot. I watched him leave in shock. I was speechless and frozen in place. My eyes burned and I looked down. Would that be the last time I saw him?

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