Chapter 11- This Is New

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I sat on the couch with Hestia in my lap. At the last stop, I told Colly what I'd done and asked her to tell my boss that I quit. The girl had been nonstop messaging my phone. I had to turn it off after a while.

Azrael plopped down near the arm of the sofa and leaned on it. He smiled at me. "I'm sure you already know my name, but I'm Azrael. You're... Venus? Was it?" He spoke gently. I nervously smiled and nodded. His gaze trailed to the dog in my lap. His eyes practically sparkled. "Awh! Who is this little cutie?!" He cooed. He slowly reached out and held his hand out in front of her. After making sure she wasn't spooked, he softly pet her head.

I smile. Sweet. "This is Hestia. Don't worry, she doesn't bite. She likes people," I stated. I ran my hand along her back and she leaned into me.

Azrael grinned giddily. "May I hold her? Sorry, I just love dogs." He laughed. I nodded. He carefully went to reach out. However, Sage sat down beside my legs and held his hands out for Hestia. He had a treat in his hand. Hestia got up and jumped into his lap. Azrael frowned and pouted. I swear I saw Sage Rook smirk to himself.

I laughed. "Sorry," I whispered to Azrael from behind my hand. He continued pouting and laid his head on his arm that was resting on the arm of the sofa. He glared at Sage. I couldn't stop laughing.

I felt eyes on me. I looked up and made eye contact with brown irises. Quinn smirked at me and I blushed, turning away. I peeked at him from the corner of my eye. He gave me a teasing wave. I grinned and bit my lip.


Zane was the first to step out of the bus, basking in in the cheerful screams from the fans behind the barriers. Sage and Azrael were next. They both waved and smiled as they walked through the barriers.

Quinn stepped out and waited for me. I took my time walking down the steps with Hestia in my arms. I nervously looked at Quinn and he smirked at me, holding his arm out. I took a deep breath and stepped onto the ground. I flinched when I felt Quinn's arm go around my shoulders.

We started walking towards the doors of the venue. The entire time I swore their fans were whispering incoherently about me. It made me anxious. I shrunk against Quinn, as if he could hide me.

He chuckled and walked us through the doors. "You alright?" He asked, looking down at me. I glanced up at him, then slowly nodded. His smirk grew. "You'll get used to it, cara. Maybe you'll even enjoy it, si?" He said, chuckling.

I pet Hestia as she laid in my arms as we walked through the halls behind the others. "Is it always like this?" I inquired softly, not looking at him. I felt him give me a confused stare. "The crowds- the fans, I mean," I clarified.

He inhaled. "It wasn't when we first started. It really hit us about... two years ago, I believe. The crowds just kept growing and growing. And they haven't stopped," he answered thoughtfully.

I thought about his words. I gazed up at him as we turned down a hall. "What happened two years ago?" I questioned curiously.

He smirked. "We got bunched in a tour with another band. They knew what they were doing and they drew the crowds in. More people found out about Cuori Incrinati after that." He responded.

All of us walked through a door and into what looked to be a lounge room. The others walked through a door at the far side of the room. I looked up at Quinn as he retracted his arm. "We're gonna go get ready. We'll be out in a few minutes," he explained.

I parted my lips and nodded. "Okay," I replied softly. I watched as he left and shut the door behind him. I looked around the room. There was a couch, a coffee table, a small kitchen, a tv, and a few tables. It was pretty big actually, and it was mostly white and grey.

I eventually sat down on the sofa and Hestia rested her head on my hand. I smiled down at her. "I know, we've been moving around a lot. You like traveling though, don't you?" I giggled, scratching behind her ears.

I felt pressure on the sofa's cushion behind me and I jumped. A hand with a torn glove with ripped fabric hanging from it reached over and started petting Hestia. I glanced over and saw Azrael smiling.

He glimpsed at me. "Sorry, love, I didn't mean to spook ya." He chuckled. I smiled softly and shook my head. "Are you going to stay here or watch the show up close?" He asked, resting his arms on the back of the cushion.

I hummed. "I think I'll just stay here this time. There are a lot of people out there." I bashfully laughed, pulling my hair behind my ear.

He grinned. "You don't have to stay here actually. You can go sightseeing, shopping, touring, whatever you'd like to do while we're playing," he said in a kind tone. My lips parted, I was a little surprised. "You can ask one of the workers to help you get around," he added.

I nodded. "Thank you," I replied. I jumped in shock as two hands slammed into Azrael's shoulders and pulled him up. He let out a dramatic yell and fell backwards.

I saw Zane laughing, still pulling on the singer. "Come on, leprotto!" Zane shouted, dragging Azrael with him out the door we all came through. Sage Rook rolled his eyes and followed after them.

"Bunny?" I heard Quinn mumble to himself. I looked over at him. He saw me and his smirk appeared. "I'll see you later, bellezza. Don't get into too much trouble while I'm gone, si?" He said, stopping at the door.

I nodded and smiled. "Okay. Good luck," I responded, waving him goodbye. And with that he was gone. The door slowly closed and I heard his footsteps echo through the hallways, along with Zane's and Azrael's laughter. I looked around and hummed to myself. I have an idea.


A/n: I'm probably gonna discontinue this-
I love my characters, but it's not as fun as The Day I Live was😔

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