Chapter 8- Knowing The Band

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I laid on my stomach on my bed, scrolling through my phone. Colly was scrolling through her's beside me. I glanced at her. "Can you tell me more about Cuori Incrinati?" I asked. I blushed as I saw a picture of them on my recommended tab.

Colly instantly shut her phone off and tossed it to the side. She smirked. "What do you wanna know?" She said slowly. She looked proud to say the least.

I suddenly grew a bit nervous. "Uhm, just general stuff?" I inquired meekly. She, all of a sudden, pulled me up. We now sat in the middle of my bed.

She looked at me with a serious expression. "Okay, so! The band members consist of Azrael Dorsey, the singer, Sage Rook Falk, the lead guitarist, Quinn Croce, the bassist, and Zane Grillo, the drummer." She stated, waiting for me to take it all in. I nodded once I did. "Obviously, Zane and Quinn are from Italy, but the other two, Azrael and Sage Rook, are from the UK and Sweden." Ohh, so that's where he's from. "The band originated in Brighton five years ago when Sage, Quinn, and Zane happened to be vacationing. That's where they all met up and became friends. It only took them about six months before they created Cuori Incrinati." She informed me.

I slowly nodded, hugging my legs. "How old are they anyways?" I asked curiously. They didn't look too old, but they were definitely older than me if the band started five years ago.

She folded her legs. "The oldest is Sage, he's twenty-six. Then comes Quinn, he's twenty-four. Azrael is also twenty-four, but his birthday is after Quinn's. Zane is the youngest. He's twenty-three." She explained. I nodded at her. "Ugh, Sage still looks so young, he's so hot," she groaned, falling back into my plush pillows.

I rolled my eyes. "He's not even that old. And besides, Declan is twenty-eight." I chuckled. I grabbed a pillow and laid it on my lap. I rested my arms on it.

She sat up. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. He and I broke up a few days ago," she muttered. My mouth opened in surprise.

I quickly composed myself. "Oh." Was all I said. I knew that it didn't really bother Colly. She'd lost feelings for Declan a month ago. She just didn't know how to let him go. She still loved him as a friend and didn't want to lose that. "On good terms?" I questioned.

She nodded. "Yeah. He said his feelings kinda just like disappeared. I know that's how I feel too, but to hear that- I mean, damn, ouch!" She laughed. I giggled at her. She slowly calmed down and stared at me. "So, how are things going for you and Quinn? Any second date ideas yet?" She asked suggestively.

I blushed and hid my face behind the fluffy pink pillow. I heard her chuckle and gently nudge me. I stole a glance at her. That smirk! I sighed and uncovered my face. "I don't know. I haven't heard much from him today. The last time we talked was last night when he messaged me. He just thanked me for coming to the show and asked how it was." I informed her, hugging the pillow.

She smiled. I heard my phone go off beside me and I looked at it. A text. I grabbed it and opened the message. "Ooh, who is it?" Colly hummed from beside me.

I stared at my phone screen, reading the text. "Busy today?" It read. So simple, yet so nerve racking. Quinn. I glanced up at Colly and handed her the phone.

She gasped excitedly and quickly began typing. "Colly no!" I exclaimed, trying to get the phone back. She grinned and turned away, using her leg to keep me away. She finished typing and I saw her hit send. I groaned. "Let me see," I murmured. She sat up and let me snatch my phone from her. My eyes widened. "No, why? You ready to take me out again?" I whipped my head around to see a cackling raven haired girl beside me. "COLLEEN!" I screeched, tackling her.

She laughed as she fell back against the bed with me above her. "What?" She exclaimed, not being able to cease her laughing. "I helped you!!" She added.

I rolled my eyes. "No-!" I was cut off by a chime from my phone. I glanced at it, a little surprised. I hopped off of Colly and quickly grabbed my phone. I saw her eagerly watching me. I shook my head at her and opened the message.

"Yeah, if you're up for it, bellezza.
4:00 pm at the park?"

My eyes were wide with surprise. I quickly typed a response, agreeing to it. Then I shut my phone off and looked at Colly with a deadpan. "Don't. Say. A. Thing." I ordered, already seeing her smirk growing.

She grabbed my shoulders. "I TOLD YOU!!" She screamed, shaking me around. She stopped doing it after a moment and let me go, grinning. "When did he say?" She asked eagerly.

I huffed and folded my legs. "Four o'clock." I answered nonchalantly. I laid back on my bed and buried myself in with my pillows.

Colly gaped at me. "Venus! It's 3:37!!" She yelled, crawling over to me. My eyes widened and she pulled me out of bed. She dragged me over to the closet and shoved me inside. "Find something to wear! I'll get hair and makeup stuff!" She demanded.

I stumbled before I caught my footing. I glanced behind me. She was gone already. "Yes boss," I muttered sarcastically. I began searching through my clothes. I pulled out something comfortable. The selection consisted of patterned trousers and a white long sleeve crop top.

I threw the outfit on and left my closet. Colly was already there, waiting to do my hair and makeup. I sighed. "Nothing too excessive," I muttered as I walked over to her.

She nodded. "You got it." She smiled. I felt her begin doing my hair after I sat down in front of her. "Don't forget to give me every little detail when you get back, okay? I need to know what's going on." She exaggerated.

I pouted my lips, but nodded. "Fine." I sighed. She was soon done with my hair. I turned around and she started working on my makeup. I watched her get out mascara, light brown eyeshadow, nude lipstick, and thin eyeliner. "Colly, it's just a walk in the park," I stated.

She huffed and put the eyeliner and lipstick back in her bag. "Okay," she replied in a fake solemn voice. I giggled at her. She started with the eyeshadow, shading it to perfection. Then she added a few brushes of mascara. She then held a hand mirror in front of me.

I nodded approvingly. It wasn't too excessive. I smiled and looked up at her. "Thank you," I said genuinely. She grinned in response. She stood up and pulled me out of the bedroom. I stumbled as she shoved me in front of the door.

I glared at her. "Colly! Calm down." I said exasperatedly. "It's not even four yet!" I exclaimed. She smirked and pointed to the clock on the wall. I glanced at it and my eyes widened. 3:53. Oh god. I turned back around. "I'm taking my dog!" I shouted. Ha, she'd have to be alone now.

Colly pouted as I got out Hestia's collar and leash. I called her over and put her collar on before latching the leash to it. I stood up and jokingly stuck my tongue out at the raven haired girl. Then I left.

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