Prologue: Cuori Incrinati

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Colleen hadn't stopped nagging me about the concert. I kept trying to tell her that loud and crowded places weren't my thing. Like right now. "Come on Venus, just one time. I'll never ask for anything ever againnnnn," she begged, getting onto her knees and holding her hands together.

I shook my head and sighed. "That's a lie, Colly. You know you'll be asking me to buy you coffee within a day," I stated in a bored tone. I glanced up at her from my sketchbook. She was giving me puppy eyes. I groaned and threw my head back against the couch. "Fine," I mumbled. She screamed, causing me to jump and drop my book. I didn't even get to speak before she jumped up and grabbed my wrist. It didn't take long before she'd dragged me to her room.


I hugged myself as tightly as possible. Not only was there a lot of people here, the outfit Colleen had chosen for me was... not my style. The concert hadn't even begun and it was already really loud.

The people here were mostly pretty nice, but they were loud and obviously rough. Colleen had brought her long time boyfriend, Declan. The two had pushed their way to the front near the stage. Of course they dragged me along. I tried to be happy for Colleen.

To be honest, I felt like I was suffocating. All I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and disappear. Why did I let her bring me again? I nervously looked over at Colly and Declan. They were already making out. I quickly turned away as I rolled my eyes. "So mature," I sarcastically muttered to myself.

The lights in the room suddenly shut off. Everyone finally shut up and turned to the stage. A man walked out from behind the curtains and towards the microphone. He grabbed the device in his hand. "Are you guys ready to ROOOOCKKKK?!!!" He screeched, the final word sounding like a demonic yell.

The audience screamed in response, causing me to wince. "YEAH! That's what I'm talking about!! Now, we have some special guests tonight. You know em, you love em. Traveling all the way from Europe, please welcome CUORI INCRINATI!!" He shouted into the microphone.

The crowds screamed louder than last time, hurting my ears. The man quickly ran off the stage as a group of people began to walk out. They could only be what I assumed were Cuori Incrinati. There were five of them. One of course sat back at the drums. Another kept to the leftmost side of the stage. He had a guitar. There was another guitarist behind the singer, who was now in front of the mic. And finally there was a man with a guitar with four strings standing above me.

The drummer had long black hair that reached his ribs. He wore a ripped tank top and many different bracelets on his arms. The far left guitarist had short brown hair and his outfit looked much cleaner. He had a low-collared shirt with long flared sleeves. His pants were rather tight though. The singer was wearing a full on torn outfit. From the shirt to the boots, there was a rip in every piece. It was surprising how it all stayed together. And once again, finally, the man stood in front of me. He was wearing a dark vest over some type of tank top, raven skinny jeans to match.

Colleen leaned against the barrier beside me. "QUINN! I LOVE YOU QUINN!" She shrieked. I stared at her dumbfounded. I glanced back up at the man on stage. There was a smirk across his black and silver lips. He winked down at Colleen.

His eyes scanned the crowd and he pulled a pick out from... somewhere. He quickly strummed a few cords with it, still smirking. To be honest, he looked scary and mean, but I couldn't look away from him. For whatever reason it was.

Soon the music picked up and all instruments mended together. Everyone was bobbing their heads to the beat, even the band themselves. The singer was dancing along for a while too. It was kinda funny.

I let out a laugh. This was actually pretty cool. I never thought one of these concerts Colly always talked about would be fun. I looked around and my eyes found their way back to the bassist, I believe.

Around that same time, he looked over towards the area I was in as well. His fiery eyes caught onto my much softer ones. Much to my surprise, he didn't keep going and instead held the eye contact with me. It made my face heat up.

He played so beautifully even when he wasn't looking. He also still had that smirk on his lipstick covered lips. He hadn't taken her eyes away from me and I didn't take mine away from him. Keeping the same look on his face, he brought his hand up and licked his pick. He tossed it towards me.

I gasped as I caught the plastic against my chest. I could still feel the wetness. Literally shaking me from my trance, Colleen held onto my arm, shaking me back and forth as she screamed. "Oh my god! Venus! You caught his pick!" She squealed. I looked at her, only to see she practically had stars in her eyes.

I sheepishly smiled, clutching said item in my hand against my chest. "Yeah," I sighed. Colleen soon released me from her death grip and I unclenched my hand. I stared down at the guitar puck sitting in my palm. Was this even real? This had to have been a dream.

When I looked up I realized it couldn't have been. The man, Quinn, as Colleen says, was still staring down at me in the audience. His gaze confused me. And staring back at him, I noticed how handsome he really was. From his dark brown hair to his obviously toned body. It made me question why, out of everyone here, he chose me.

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