Chapter 6- Our Second Concert

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A/n This song is just beautiful!
Warning: A man being a douchebag

The concert was in two hours. Colly had already gotten ready and was now lounging on my bed as she watched me go through my things. "How about this?" I asked, pulling out a blue dress.

She shook her head, rolling over into her stomach. "Too bright. Try something darker," she said jokingly. I huffed and put the outfit back. "You wear something like that and you'll stick out like a sore thumb, hun." She giggled.

I rolled my eyes with a smile on my lips. "Dark isn't my thing though." I groaned. I threw my head back for dramatic effect.

She laughed. "If you keep listening to Cuori Incrinati and that very long list I made you, it will be," she stated, smirking. I blushed at the mention of that. Yes, I had her make me a playlist.

The music was so different from what I typically listened to. Instead of things like Young And Beautiful, there were things like Sorry Sack of Bones. It was such a vast difference. The rock and metal Colly liked was so much heavier than anything I'd ever heard.

I found one of Colly's black skirts and held it out to her. Her eyes practically sparkled. "YES!" She shouted excitedly. I shuffled my foot around and stared at the piece.

Sighing, I set it on my bed and walked back to my closet. I scanned through everything before finding a white crop top. I grabbed it and showed Colly. She nodded approvingly.

She stood up excitedly, a bright grin behind her raven lips. "I'm doing your makeup~!" She sung, clapping her hands together.

I shook my head. "No, I don't want anything too extreme," I stated flatly. She pouted, but didn't argue. I grabbed my clothes and stepped into the bathroom. I closed the door behind me and started changing.

"I'm choosing your shoes then!!" She yelled through the door. Oh no. I focused on changing. I adjusted the skirt until it was comfortable before doing my shirt. I buttoned the collar together and fixed the sleeves.

I walked out. I immediately spotted her holding up a pair of thick Mary Jane shoes with three buckles that reached the calf. I gaped at her. "Oh god," I muttered under my breath. She wiggled her eyebrows, like a taunt.

I rolled my eyes as I walked past her, swiping her shoes from her hands. I sat down on my bed and began putting them on. I fidgeted with each buckle, struggling. I huffed as they were finally on. I stood up and stumbled a little, not used to wearing platforms. I looked at Colly. She looked so proud.


It'd taken about an hour to drive to the stadium and when we got there it was already packed. People were everywhere. It was nearly overwhelming. Colly put her hand on my back as I took a deep breath.

I let her lead me inside and towards the front of the stage. She excused us every time we brushed against someone. Most people were pretty chill about it luckily. When we finally reached the barrier I looked up at the empty stage.

The drums and microphones were set up. There were three microphones this time. One in the middle, one on the far left on an uplifted part of the stage, and another on the far right.

We only had to wait about ten minutes before the band started walking out. First came the drummer, Zane. He sat behind the drum set. Next was Sage, who walked over to the left microphone on the higher part of the stage. I stared as Quinn walked out with his bass, smiling widely as he walked over to the right side of the stage.

His makeup was dark. He had black eyeliner and deep purple eyeshadow that blended into black. His lips were black with a silver inner lip. He wore tattered black jeans, boots, and a mesh button up shirt.

I blushed at the sight of him. Anyone could clearly see his torso through the black mesh. I saw a hint of a tattoo on the left side of his chest. It was a semicolon. Why something so simple?

I watched as he strummed a few strings on the bass. The crowd screamed. The guitarist joined and soon so did the drummer. Finally, Azrael started singing. His voice was clear, as Colly and I were stood directly in front of him.

I laughed as I noticed Colly banging her head. Her hair was flying everywhere. I was startled when I heard the singer growl into the microphone. The screaming returned. I noticed Azrael smirk like he was satisfied with the response. I grinned.

The brunette looked around the crowd as he paused his singing. His eyes landed on me and they seemingly lit up in surprise. My eyebrows furrowed. I observed him as he reached his arm out towards Quinn.

The dark haired male looked at him. Azrael motioned towards me. I blushed madly in embarrassment. Quinn followed Azrael's gaze. His eyes fell on me. I shyly waved, a small smile spreading across my lips.

Quinn grinned and threw his head back. I could see his shoulders shaking. He was laughing. I couldn't help but chuckle. He looked back at me and winked before scanning over the crowd. He joined in singing.

Whoa. My jaw dropped. His voice was ethereal. He closed his eyes, hitting a high note. A gasp left me. Wow. I'm speechless. His voice was beautiful. I didn't know he could sing like that.

I smiled to myself. However, the smile soon disappeared when I felt a pressure on my bottom. I flinched at the feeling and turned around. I saw a man that looked to be around his late thirties. I blew it off as an accident and turned back around, trying to enjoy the show.

Then, I felt it again. Harder. I turned around once more. "E-excuse me, please s-stop touching me," I mumbled over the loud music. Colly turned towards me and gave me a confused look.

The guy looked down at me. "What? Like you're not asking for it?" He chuckled evilly. My eyes widened in shock at his words. What?

Colly got in front of me protectively. She glared at the bearded man. "Dude back off! She doesn't want you touching her. So stop fucking touching her!!" She yelled angrily. I nervously grabbed her arm, noticing some people around us starting to stare.

The man rolled his eyes at her. "Yeah right. Maybe she shouldn't dress that way if she didn't want that." He scoffed before walking away. My eyes widened again. They soon filled with tears.

Colly turned around and took my hands in hers. "You okay?" She asked worriedly. I shook my head as my lip quivered. She pulled me against her chest, patting my back. "Come on, let's get you outta here hun," she said. I nodded and she began leading me out of the stadium.

Once at the doors I glanced back at the show. My eyes connected with Quinn's confused gaze. It was soon cut off when Colly gently pulled me out the doors. She walked me through the white halls.

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