Chapter 4- Getting To Know Quinn

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A/n: my image

We arrived after about fifteen minutes of driving. I lived in a small town with decent places all around so it was easy to get where you wanted to go quickly. We got out of the car and closed the doors behind us. I adjusted my sweater and dress as he locked the car.

We walked together to the front of the restaurant. The place was beautiful and the lights shined perfectly. He opened the door for me and I smiled. "Thank you," I said, walking inside. He followed behind me.

We approached the front where there were waiters and waitresses standing around the counter. A woman walked up to us. "Just two?" She inquired, grabbing some menus. Quinn smiled and nodded in response. She began leading us to the glass wall that had two glass doors.

She opened the doors and let us through. Then she took us to a table near the balcony railing. She set the menus in front of the two chairs. "Someone will be here to take your order shortly," she said sweetly before walking away.

I took a seat and scooted my chair in. Quinn sat across from me, looking at the menu. "So, what do you think?" He hummed, glancing up at me.

I twirled my hair around my finger. "Um, a-about what?" I questioned confusedly. My mind was racing in circles!

He chuckled. "About your order," he responded. He motioned towards the menu in front of me. My eyes widened.

I blushed deeply in embarrassment. God, I'm so stupid! "O-oh! Right! Uh..." I gazed at the menu, pulling it up to hide my red face. "Um, I uh- I think I'll go with the uhm- just something simple, like the chicken," I answered nervously. I stole a glimpse at him. "You?" I slowly inquired.

He grinned and I laid my menu back down, feeling myself cool off. "Probably just the steak." He replied, putting his menu to the side. "So! Bellezza, tell me about yourself? What are your hobbies?" He asked excitedly.

My mind drew a blank. What did he call me?? I quickly did my best to compose myself. "W-well, I guess I- I like art. I tend to draw a lot." I mumbled. I fidgeted with the rim of my dress.

His smile widened. "Oh really? You'll have to show me sometime! I would love to see your work, I'm sure it's absolutely amazing!" He marveled.

A small laugh escaped me as I listened to him. He really did sound excited. "Uhm, yeah. Of course." I grinned. "And yours? Do you have any other hobbies? Aside from music, I mean," I said curiously. I leaned my arms on the table.

He hummed. "I suppose I travel a lot, but it is less of a hobby and more of a necessity with my job," he joked, laughing to himself. I giggled at him. "I like sightseeing. The Americas are always such beautiful places," he stated.

I chuckled at his choice of words. "That's right, huh. You don't have a lot of time to do other things when you're always traveling or playing music," I muttered. That fact made my face turn pink. Even though he probably didn't have a lot of free time, he chose to spend time with me, of all people. I let a small smile appear on my face.


Quinn and I got out of the car, my sweater in my arms. The rest of our time together was great. He's very charismatic and sweet. It certainly wasn't what I expected due to the type of music he and his band played.

Just from at least an hour and a half I learned a lot about him. His mother raised him on her own, the first instrument he learned was the guitar, and his favorite colour is blue. Oh! And, he actually grew up with Zane. According to him, they've been best friends since they were like five. It was adorable, to say the least.

I smiled up at him. "Thank you for tonight. I don't remember the last time I had so much fun with someone." I chuckled, kicking the tip of my foot against the ground.

He waved it off. "Think nothing of it, bellezza. It was no problem," he stated kindly. That word again. Maybe Colly would know what it meant.

A small blush found its way to my cheeks. "Still. Thank you," I insisted. "Goodnight Quinn." I smiled.

He gently took my hand and brought it to his lips. He placed a small and delicate kiss to my knuckles. My face burned furiously. "Goodnight Venus," he replied. He slowly went back to his car.

I was frozen in place until I watched him leave the parking lot. I looked at my still outstretched hand. After a moment of staring, I internally screamed. HOLY SHIT. I ran inside and towards the elevator. I spammed the button until the doors opened. When they did I rushed in and repeatedly pushed the third floor button.

The doors closed and I anxiously waited for them to reopen. I heard the ding and I sprinted down the hall before getting to my door. Unfortunately, I struggled to find my key. When I grabbed it and held it up the door opened in front of me.

I looked up. Colly stood there with Hestia under her arm. A smirk was on her black lips. "Details. Now," she demanded, pulling me inside. I stumbled before catching my footing.

We walked over to the sofa and sat down. Hestia pounced on my lap as soon as she could. I took my purse off and set it to the side along with my sweater. I pet my dog and relaxed into the cushion. "It was amazing, really. I don't think I've ever had a date go so well," I muttered.

Her smirk widened. "Ooh, date, huh?" She wiggled her eyebrows. My eyes widened, realizing what I said.

I grabbed a pillow and smushed it against my face. "That's not what I meant," I mumbled. My voice was muffled by the pillow. I slowly took it away from my face. "He's so nice and caring. He's really not what I expected at all. I was prepared for anger and violence, but he's so sweet and gentle." I smiled to myself.

Colly laughed. "You are totally head over heels!" She squealed, shaking me around. Hestia jumped onto the floor in surprise at the sudden movements. Colly slowly stopped. "It sucks though. Too bad he won't be in town much longer." She sighed, pouting.

I quirked an eyebrow at her as my face slowly fell. "What do you mean?" I asked, turning my body towards her. Quinn won't be here much longer?

She glanced at me. "Well yeah. He's in a band. He can't stay in one place for very long. I think Cuori Incrinati has like two or three more concerts here before they leave," she explained.

I nodded, frowning. Then, I grinned as an idea popped into my mind. I grabbed Colly's hands excitedly. "I'll buy the tickets!" I exclaimed. She gaped at me. It didn't take long before her smirk returned.

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