Chapter 3- On Our Way

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My heart skipped a beat as I read the message I just received. Quinn was here! I looked up from my phone to Colly. "He's here!" I exclaimed anxiously. "I can't do this!" I cried. I nervously started pacing around the living room.

She shot up from her spot on the couch with Hestia. "No! No no no, you are going on a date with him! You are not backing out now!" She ordered, pulling on my shoulders. She shook me around.

My face flushed at the mention of the word "date." I played with the ends of my sleeves. "It's not a date! He just thought I was cool for some reason!" I retorted.

She rolled her eyes. "Get your ass downstairs before I throw you off the balcony." She instructed seriously. She was really adamant about this.

I shook my head. "You wouldn't dare," I said, staring into her eyes. The next thing I knew I was over her shoulder and she was on her way to the sliding doors. I gasped. "COLLY!!!" I screamed. I squirmed to get out of her strong grip. "Fine! Fine, I'll go!" I whimpered.

She set me back down and gently brushed me off. "Good. I knew you'd come around." She smiled proudly. I pouted. She began pushing me towards the front door. "Don't forget your keys, phone, wallet, or whatever it is you might need!" She squealed.

I rushed to grab my white crossbody purse from its hook before she tossed me out the door. I stumbled before regaining my footing. Not a second later, the door was closed behind me. I took a very deep breath and held it before I exhaled slowly.

This night could go so wrong so easily. I fiddled with the ends of my sleeves on my way towards the elevator. Once inside I pressed the ground button and the doors closed.

I did a small breathing routine to help me calm down. I counted to ten three times before the doors reopened and I was in the lobby. I pulled my purse over my shoulder and started to walk outside. I glanced around at the parking lot, trying to find Quinn.

Relief flooded over me when I saw him leaning against a black car. He was sitting on the hood on his phone. He hadn't set me up. A relieved sigh escaped me and I started walking over.

The soft patter of my flats hitting the hard pavement caused him to look up. He smiled when he saw me. "Good evening." He chuckled, standing up.

I blushed and avoided eye contact. Oh god. What have I gotten myself into? No, no. I can do this. "H-hi." Fudge. Barely even a word and I've already stuttered!!

I heard a short laugh come from him. "You look rather pretty tonight." He mentioned, complimenting me.

I looked up at him. His dark brown hair was falling over his shoulders. I noticed he was wearing a black dress shirt with see-through lace sleeves. He also had dark pants with boots to match. "Uhm, thank you.. you look n-nice too," I whispered.

He walked over to me and guided me towards his car. It was such a simple vehicle. I'm surprised he didn't have something more extravagant. It was a pleasant surprise. It made me feel more comfortable. He wasn't just a popular band member. He was a normal human too.

He opened the passenger door for me and I slid inside the car. "Thanks," I muttered before he gently closed the door. I did my best to remain calm as I watched him walk to the driver's side of the vehicle. He got in and started the car. I tried to think of a conversation as he pulled out of the parking spot. "So, uh, what kind of restaurant is this place anyways? I've never been to it before," I stated.

I saw him smile, like he was excited. "It's an outdoor restaurant. You know, when you eat outside. Zane was the one who recommended it actually," he replied, not taking his eyes off the road.

I quirked a brow at him. "Who's that?" I inquired in confusion. I pulled my skirt down lower on my thighs. Being unsuccessful, I just held it to my knees.

He seemed a little surprised by my question and he glanced at me before returning his gaze back towards the road. "The drummer in the band." He answered. "You don't know much about us, do you?" He asked in a joking tone.

I blushed in embarrassment. "Oh, um, no, not really. Sorry. I didn't mean to give you the wrong impression of me," I murmured. I stared down at my lap, playing with the edge of my dress in between my fingers.

He laughed. "Don't worry about it. I'll give you a short rundown." He said. He leaned his arm over the console. I looked up at him, catching him stealing a glimpse at me. He quickly focused back on driving. "I'm the bassist, I play the bass and sometimes give backup vocals. Sometimes I play guitar, too. Zane, as you now know, is the drummer. While his vocal range is insane, he rarely sings at concerts." He informed, talking with his hand. I giggled and he smiled.

"Then there's Azrael, our singer. He's kind of a dumbass, but he tries." He joked, laughing.  I suppressed a chuckle and covered my mouth with my hand. "And of course, Sage Rook, the lead guitarist. He's quiet, but overall very fun to hang out with. We just call him Sage." He explained.

I smiled and nodded. "Oh, thank you. That helps a lot. Last night was the first time I went to a concert in my entire life. I've never even listened to that type of music until then either," I admitted.

He grinned. "Wow, first time. So? How do you like it?" He smirked. He looked very proud, to say the least.

I folded my legs across each other. "Uhm, I actually like it a lot. I might ask my friend to make me a playlist with that type of stuff," I responded, smiling to myself. Maybe.

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