Chapter 2- Preparation

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A/n: This is my image!!

Rather intensely, I stared at the number still written on my hand. Quite obviously, I hadn't washed it off or anything. What I did do though was go back home. I know that Hestia wasn't too happy about it, but I couldn't think straight. I nearly walked into the glass beside the doors at the lobby of the apartments on my way back.

Groaning, I got up and grabbed my phone. However, I ignored the writing on my hand. I went into my contact list as my eyebrows furrowed. I tapped the name I was looking for before holding the phone up to my ear.

"Hey, what's up?"

Blowing off her question, I started pacing around my room. "I saw him. No, I didn't just see him. I met him, Colly!" I exclaimed frantically as I ran a hand through my hair.

"What are you talking about? Are you okay? Who is he?"

The flood of questions nearly went in one ear only to fall out the other. "The man from last night's concert. The bassist, you know, the one who gave me his pick," I replied, placing a hand on my forehead.

There was a small amount of silence for an entire second. I could almost hear the gears working in Colleen's head. "Quinn?! You mean to tell me you met QUINN CROCE?!!!" She shrieked.

I nodded my head, quickly feeling like an idiot because she couldn't see me. "Yes! I did! What do I do? He gave me his number!" I yelled, twisting my leg around nervously.

I heard her scream. "Oh my god! Holy fuck! You met Quinn Croce! He gave you his number? Holy shit! Dial it!!" She squealed.

I ran my hand through my hair. "What would I say?" I asked quietly. This was an awful idea. I'm so nervous. I suck at talking to people. I'll just embarrass myself.

"I don't know! Go along with whatever he says!"

Colleen. You absolutely suck at giving advice. I huffed. "Fine..." I grumbled.  "I'll call you back later," I said before hanging up on her. I pulled my phone away from my face and stared at it in my hand.

I looked at my hand. I sighed and left my room. Without stopping, I scooped Hestia into my arms, needing some moral support. I opened the sliding glass door and stepped onto the balcony. I looked down at Hestia wagging her tail in my arm. "Wish me luck," I muttered.

I slowly dialed the number on the back of my hand. Hesitantly, I brought the phone up to my ear and let it ring. After a few moments I was just about to hang up because there wasn't a response. Until there was. "Hello?" My breath hitched. There it was. That deep Italian accented voice. "Hello? Who is this?"

I cleared my throat nervously. "Um, uh it's the girl from earlier, the one you gave your num-number to. Venus?" I stammered shyly.

There was some shuffling on the other side of the line. "Oh hello. Sorry, I didn't expect you to call so soon." He chuckled. "Anyways, you seem cool. Let's get some drinks later." Whoa. He was really straight up and up front.

I gaped at what he said. I stuttered, shocked. "Uh-uh, what? Drinks? I-I'm sorry, but I-I don't drink," I mumbled, kicking my leg back and forth. I set Hestia down and she sat down beside my leg.

Quinn hummed. "That's fine. What about dinner? Or are you busy tonight?" He asked so nicely. His voice was so melodic.

I twisted my hair around my finger anxiously. "I-I'm not busy... uhm, when and where?" I muttered, still swinging my leg and playing with my hair.

He let out a small laugh. "There's no need to be nervous. How about 5:00, and I'll send you the location later and I'll come pick you up?" He suggested.

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