Chapter 5- Time Well Spent

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A/n: This is my image!! God, I love that song.

I'd already bought the tickets. And may I just say that their prices are insane. I'm gonna have to work extra hours to get that back. The next show was in two days. Excitement pumped through my blood every second. I never thought I'd ever be so excited for something that was so different for me.

Back to now though. I was scrolling through the internet. I was trying to find something to draw because I was bored. I sighed as my face leaned on the palm of my hand. I've already drawn all these or at least something similar.

I perked up as a thought came across my mind. I quickly tapped on the search bar and began typing rapidly. I hit enter when I was done. Different images pulled up. I blushed as I saw many different pictures of him load. Yes, I googled Quinn Croce from Cuori Incrinati. I really am pathetic.

Even still, I scrolled through the many images of him. He was extremely handsome and most of his pictures were beautiful. However, there were some silly ones where he was making goofy faces. I couldn't help but giggle when I saw them. It reminded me that even though he was in such a popular band, he was still perfectly human.

I smiled as I found a good picture to draw. I clicked on it and grabbed my sketchbook. I took out some pencils and erasers and got to work. I began with a rough sketch.


I admired my finished work on the paper. It was brilliant. It even looked just like the picture of Quinn. I was extremely proud of myself to say the least. It came out so nicely.

I smiled to myself as I stared at the artwork. I blushed, noticing that I was literally just staring at a picture of Quinn. I glanced away, looking at the clock.

My eyes widened. "Oh my god! God! I'm so late!!" I exclaimed. I scrambled to get out of my seat and rushed to my closet. I hurriedly pulled out a change of clothes. I started undressing. I threw my pajamas into the hamper and pulled on a skirt and shirt. It was something casual so it'd be easy to change when I got to work.

When I was done I grabbed my things and headed out. I didn't bother with the elevator and instead sprinted down the stairs. I raced outside and to my car. I unlocked it and quickly got in, closing the door behind me.

I took a deep breath before starting the car. I left the parking lot and started on my way to the diner. It only took around fifteen minutes before I arrived. I parked my car around the back and hopped out. I made sure I locked it before jogging inside.

"Venus, this is the third time this week! You gotta pay more attention!" My manager, Stella shouted. She turned and watched as I ran to my locker. Yes, I had a locker.

I opened the metal door and pulled out my outfit. "I know! I know! I'm so sorry! It won't happen again!" I exclaimed apologetically. She frowned and I rushed to the changing room. I slammed the door behind me and quickly began changing.

I slid my previous outfit off and started putting my red and white striped dress on. I zipped the back up and wrapped my apron around my waist. The theme of the diner was the 50s. It was cool and sometimes fun, but for what we put up with, the pay could've been better.

That being said, I sighed as I walked out to the front. I could only be so prepared for the harassment some customers gave me. Stella was waiting for me behind the counter. She handed me my notepad and pen. "That table over there is ready," she stated, pointing to a booth in the corner.

I nodded and plastered a fake smile on my lips. I started making my way towards the table. Oh, a group of teenagers. This wouldn't go well. To be quite honest, I did not like this job at all. I sucked at talking to people and for the job I had to do that the entire time. I just had to take what I could get. Stella was generous enough to get me a job here.

I stopped in front of the table and took a small breath. "Hello, how may I help you?" I asked in a very fake voice. I was mentally preparing myself for the possibility of oncoming insults.

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