Chapter 10- Thinking Of You

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I groaned and scribbled all over my paper. I couldn't focus at all. My mind was all over the place. Okay, not really. My mind had all its attention on one thing. Quinn Croce. How weird, right?

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. I picked up my phone and opened my messages. Nothing. Not a single notification. I frowned in disappointment. I was sort of hoping to see something from Quinn. The last text I had from him was his question from yesterday.

I got up and stretched my arms above my head. I can't be mopey about it. He's busy and I'm just some random person he happened to meet. I'm sure he meets plenty of people like me anyways.

I groaned. "This sucks!" I exclaimed, walking out of my room. I'll never seen him again. It feels like I should've done more when I had the chance. I suppose I wasted the opportunity.

I sighed and plopped down onto my couch. I opened my phone. Going through the apps, I saw a lot of things related to Cuori Incrinati. Well, most of them were mostly about Quinn. I twirled my hair around, watching videos of him.

One caught my eye. I gasped in shock as I watched it through. Quinn licked his guitar pick and tossed it into the crowd. A blonde haired girl caught it against her chest. That was me!

My jaw dropped. I was on video. I was in a video with Quinn. I blushed as I saved it to my phone. I'm definitely showing Colly later. I looked at the caption. "Oh to be her😫" it read. I smiled to myself.


I pouted my lips as I stared at my computer. There was a half finished sketch of someone on my paper. I had no motivation to finish it at that moment. I just felt "blah."

I was brought from my thoughts as my phone rang. I looked at the ID and my eyes widened. I quickly answered, holding the phone up to my ear. "Quinn? Aren't you at a concert right now?" I asked confusedly. I tilted my head to the side, even though he couldn't see me.

I heard him shuffling around. "The show just ended. I know this is straightforward, but how fast can you get here?" He inquired quickly. He sounded a little breathless.

My jaw dropped. "W-what?!" I exclaimed. I ran my hand through my hair and looked at my clock. "Uhm, like ten or fifteen minutes. Why?" I questioned in an unsure tone.

"Just come. I promise you won't regret it." He hung up after chuckling. I slowly pulled my phone away from my ear and stared at it in my hand.

I shook my head and focused. I ran to my closet and pulled out an outfit. I threw on a light blue dress with a floral base. Then I slid some white Mary Jane shoes onto my feet.

I ran out of my room after grabbing my phone. I snatched my purse and keys before walking out the door and locking it behind me.


I got out of my car and looked around the venue. The place was flooded with people. How was I supposed to find Quinn? I sent him a text, telling him I was here.

I walked around a bit before I found some buses. A lot of people were around there too. "Venus!" I turned around in surprise. My eyes met with Quinn's and I sighed in relief. He approached me. "Couldn't resist me anymore, could you?" He teased.

I blushed and shook my head. "You um, you told me to come here. So..." I trailed off, clasping my hands together. He seemed to understand though.

He nodded and smirked. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Join me on the tour," he said out of the blue. My eyes widened and I nearly choked on air. He chuckled. "Come on. I'll ask the team to pack some of your things and bring Hestia," he stated, resting a hand on his hip.

I looked at him like he was crazy. I didn't have money for that! I had a job! I had friends here, and a life! "I-I can't just leave everything behind!" I exclaimed, dumbfounded.

His smirk only grew. "I'm not saying you have to, cara. It would just be more fun with you around. I want to get to know you more. Money and travel would be taken care of easily. Something felt off today, bellezza. I kept thinking of you. I didn't want to leave you behind," he said, his thick accent strong.

I was speechless by his words. He was thinking of me? He wants me to go with him? I was doing something spontaneous. "Okay," I responded quickly as I looked into his chocolate eyes.

Quinn's face lit up. "Alright! Come on." He grinned, holding his hand out to me. I slowly placed my hand in his. He led me over to a large bus. I could hear the crowds screaming behind us.

Before I could look at the overwhelming audience, Quinn pulled me into the bus. When I looked around I only saw one other band member. Sage Rook was laying on a couch, reading a book. He glanced up at us and smiled softly. He then looked back at his book and continued reading.

I looked up at Quinn and he smirked down at me. "Azrael and Zane typically take longer saying goodbye to their fans." He laughed. I nodded. "Here." He took my hand and led me into a room. It had a bunk bed. "Wait here. I'll be right back," he said before leaving.

I looked around the room once I heard the bus's door close. Half of it was messy and the other half was neat. There were clothes scattered around too. It was a small room, so I could only guess that Quinn and another one of them stayed here.

The door opened and I turned around. Instead of Quinn, I was met with the sight of Zane. His face lit up with a smirk when he saw me. "So he actually asked, huh? Eh, I'll make sure to congratulate him." He joked, swinging into the bottom bunk.

I blushed and stammered. "He-he told you about asking me?" I asked. I noticed him lay back and rest his hands behind his head.

He chuckled. "Eh, maybe," he said. I turned my head away, feeling my face redden. I heard him laugh a little. I played with my hair by twirling it around my finger.

I heard the door open. I glanced at it, seeing Quinn. He rolled his eyes at Zane. "Zane, pick up your shit." He groaned, looking at the mess in the room. "And get off my bed." He ordered in a very obviously playful tone.

A pillow was thrown at him and Zane smirked. Quinn grabbed the pillow and threw it back at the raven haired male. I laughed, covering my mouth. Zane laughed at him and got off the bed.

He grabbed Quinn around the shoulders and swung him around. "I'm so proud of you, fratello!" He cheered.

I watched as Quinn shoved him off of his body, laughing. "Shut up! You've had way too much to drink!" He exclaimed, grinning.

Zane laughed loudly. "No, I haven't had enough to drink!" He retorted, adding emphasis to the word "enough." He then walked out of the room and closed the door behind him.

Quinn looked at me, smiling. "Sorry about that. He's always like that," he stated, leaning against his bed.

I giggled and grinned. "Somehow that's not too surprising." I responded. My eyes met Quinn's. I finally took his appearance in. He was wearing a black vest with five silver buckles in the middle. He had his typical boots and his black jeans were ripped. His hair was disheveled and all over the place. Some of his makeup was smudged under his eyes.

He smirked, noticing me staring. "Like what you see, fai?" He asked, chuckling. I blushed and turned away. "Your things are being gathered and will be on another bus for now. Hestia will be here at the next stop." I could hear the smile in his voice by his tone. I shuffled my foot around and nodded at him.

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