19. If...

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Hoseok was sitting on his bed. His ankle was chained. Red and blue mark was evident on his ankle. he was Hungry, thirty and sleep deprived. He has sworn that he would rather die but he will not surrender to Min Yoongi. He left Yoongi 2 options he either let him go or let him die.....there's no in between.

"Eat something. you haven't eat anything for past 3 days." Namjoon requested putting the food tray down on bed.

When Hoseok hear Namjoon voice he perk up. he knows that Namjoon could help him. he always have..... "Joon-sii please help me....I want to escape." He got up from bed the shackles made disturbing noises that Namjoon flinched. He felt bad for Hoseok but he couldn't go against Yoongi.

"He will stop you." Namjoon reached out to touch his bruised cheek where Yoongi slapped him the other day. "Hyung will stop you and you won't like it If he has to actually do that." Namjoon looked generally concerned.

Hoseok felt the tugging in his chest and he could feel himself wanted to cry again. He squeezed his eyes shut for a several moments. "You don't know how I feel Joonie. I just want to be free. I just want to be free from Min Yoongi. I'm so tired of all these." he clenched his fist. "I don't want to be his bird in this golden cage."

Namjoon took a deep breath, regarding him with a strange look in his eyes "You can't....you can't be free of him, not when you are now a part of-" he pause for a moment. "No matter where you go you will be haunted down.... you cannot leave."

"He killed your master and yet you're taking his side." Hoseok hissed.

"Honestly......everything hyung has been doing is protecting you."

Hoseok snorted with disbelief. "What kind of protection is this!? If he wanted to protect me he wouldn't have killed my father, the one who could protect me from everything. Your boss just want power." He should have protected his heart at the same time not trying to break it down into a million pieces and hope that he will survive it like a zombie with no feeling.

"He never wanted the power. I know you don't believe it but he does care about you.... he may not show that he-"Namjoon cleared his throat "He's just scared for you a lot... if not....you would have been cast aside and left for dead long time ago young master." Hoseok snorted bitterly "it already feel like I have been cast aside and left for dead... only maybe not physically." Namjoon went quite and he took the tray away from him...knowing well that he can't convince his stubborn master. Only Yoongi could break his walls...the walls that Hoseok have build to hurt himself.

Yoongi watches as Namjoon comes out of Hoseok room with another tray filled with food and water. He stands to the side and eyed the now cold food and filled cup of water that's been untouched.

The taller bows deeply the moment he sees him. Before he can walk away though, Yoongi speaks and it stops him in his steps.

"Is he still not eating?" he asks even though the full tray is answer enough.

"No, hyung." he says regretfully, his fingers tighten around the tray until they turn white. He wants to argue about the event and things Yoongi has done to Hoseok the other day. But right now Hoseok's small body needs food to survive. "He won't eat anything."

"Bring me a fresh plate. I'll deliver it to him personally."

He hesitates for a moment. But it wouldn't be wise to refuse his orders so he nods and steps away and scuttles back towards the kitchen.

Not even five minutes later, the old women anna comes back with a tray filled with fresh strawberries, hot steaming rice with chicken soup and a cup of water.

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