6. Permission?

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It's been 9 days since Yoongi is in hospital.

9 days and Hoseok haven't heard his voice.

9 days since he haven't felt Yoongi's eyes on him.

9 days of loneliness.

He misses him more than words could describe. He hasn't left Yoongi's side besides going to the washroom and when doctors are examining him.

Doctors said Yoongi has major injury in his leg and head area that's why he is in a coma. But it was heartbreaking for Hoseok when they said they don't know when will he wake up.

But he didn't lose hope. He will wait till Yoongi wakes up. All this time he has been thinking about his life. The memories they shared together over time.


Time has played with his mind. time is performing tricks on him, hanging on a threat like a puppet. keeping him guessing waiting for the next thing to happen. for the next person to enter this hospital room, for the next role of the dice to play out.

A tickling timebomb constantly ringing in his brain sending echoes of chime throughout the walls of his body.

The vision of memories is now unrecognizable.

time has not been kind to him these days. scratches, & dents work on the outer surface, torn, on his body like an old clock waiting for someone to turn the key and that key was Yoongi.

Hoseok has been taking care of Yoongi. He didn't allow any nurse to touch him in that way, like cleaning Yoongi's body with a warm damp towel. Combing his hair with his slender fingers, singing him a lullaby, and talking to him about little things mostly loud whispering because he don't want the guards who were outside of the room to hear him. He was doing this in hope that Yoongi might wake up soon.

But no matter how hard he tries Yoongi was still laying there emotionless and sleeping like there were no worries in his life.

Hyung looks so peaceful.

He was staring at Yoongi face. speculating that God must took many years to create him.

He put his hand on Yoongi's cheek, gently caressing it. Starting from his forehead, to his cat-like eyes, his button nose, and then to his thin lips.

Yoongi lips were chapped, his finger brushed against Yoongi's lips. it felt so soft.... despite the fact that they were chapped.

Unconsciously Hoseok mumbled "I wonder how they would felt against my lips" when he realizes what he has said he retrieved his hand back like someone has given him an electric shock.

What the hell is wrong with me?

He frowned at his lewd thoughts. He was acting strangely... he need Yoongi to wake up so he could tell him what are these feelings but he was afraid to see Yoongi's reaction if he said he thought of his lips against his own.

Shaking his head he compose his self and thought he should talk to Yoongi. Conceivably that Yoongi won't hear him anyway.

"you know what hyung I thought I had a dream that you came to say goodbye to me. I thought it was a dream until anna-ssi told me that you did come that day.....it took me an hour to believe that it wasn't a dream. you were standing there in front of me. You kissed the tip of my nose, my cheek, and my forehead. I closed my eyes shut and slightly open them a few times thinking that maybe I would wake up.... because it was easier to believe that I made you up than to believe you will really be there." Hoseok confessed to a sleeping Yoongi. He waited for few minutes but didn't get any reply from Yoongi.

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