5. forgiveness?

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It's been 3 days.

3 agonizing & painful days for Hoseok.

He hasn't seen or heard of Yoongi. He misses him so much but his pride will never allow him to raise a simple question of 'where is Yoongi hyung?'.

Hoseok was glancing outside of the window still thinking about his guardian.

Yoongi absence became the only thing that roams Hoseok's mind, and his sweetness is the one thing Hoseok's soul yearns for. His young heart was in ache as if it carries a lifetime of pain and misery.

What type of feelings are these?

This restless waiting and constant yearning,

His skin that needs Yoongi's touch.

His lips that are thirsty for the kiss they never had,

All his sleepless nights are for Yoongi,

All his waking thoughts were for Yoongi,

It is clarity or madness?

It is an affliction or a blessing?

and the more he asks the more he became certain that he had fallen in love with Yoongi, but the only question that remains was,

does he love me too?

Hoseok almost snort and scowl at the stupid thoughts!

I don't love him and it goes the same for hyung. we are in a dad-son relationship. he'd never feel that way for me and neither do I. These thoughts are here because he is not here. It's nothing else for sure.

He wishes for one thing, after so many days if Yoongi came back he would consider Hoseok's request of joining a college.

There are so many things he wants to do, so much that he could do.

He wishes he was more vocal and able to communicate how he felt or what he want to, but he can't help back by his fear of stepping out of the line.

He wasn't always like this but the pressure of Yoongi and his father's business have made him constantly doubt himself.

He doesn't know what he is capable of and how he can ever find this out.

He wishes he was smarter, more like Yoongi more brave and more stronger, Like he was used to be when he was a kid.

he wishes he was more social, had friends like he would have one if his life was easier.

He wishes he was normal. he wish he could go to school like all other kids.

Joke around with friends and hang out after class. he wish he could focus on studies and tests and plan his future. which degree he wants to pursue and which college he wants to apply it.

He wish his biggest worries were getting a bad rate or embarrassing himself in front of the boy he likes.

But he was imprisoned in a golden cage.

He was still angry at Yoongi but it doesn't mean that he can't enjoy his touches right or was that wrong?

dammit hyung stop confusing me.

He can't forgive Yoongi so easily, he want to, but it hurt. Besides, he hasn't actually heard an apology from Yoongi yet.

Just a little 'sorry' was it too much to ask?

Hoseok was in deep thoughts when he heard the tapping of high heels. When he turned around he saw luna coming toward his way. Hoseok frowns, if Yoongi wasn't with luna then where did he go?!?

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