8. water Lily

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Here he was standing in front of the luxurious building. His heart was throbbing loudly inside his chest who knows whether it was out of excitement, fair, joy or freedom from Yoongi. He recalls the other night event when Yoongi came to his room. Hoseok told him about how he was worried if the teachers and other students will like him or will he be able to make friends?

Yoongi simply answered him, "Speak kindly with others once you start speaking with disrespect and with no regards to your behavior you start making friends with people who are vile and often people became what they befriend."

Hoseok was listening to him attentively after all it was Yoongi who was giving him advice.

The Yoongi he always wanted to follow. "And what if i accidentally slip in my anger or crying session?" Hoseok asked with pout. Yoongi chuckled and ruffled his soft hairs "it's okay we all slip sometimes... somewhere on the line but you will always quickly return to being a kind speaker." Yoongi smiled at him.

"Ahan i got it I'll try to be a kind speaker" Hoseok said determined in his motto. "Of course you will hobi. you remember the poem I mentioned when we were at the garden of lilies?" Yoongi questioned.

"The water lily poem" Hoseok answered cheerfully still remembering the poem that always fascinated him.

"Yess the water lily peom. Here think of lily as an example of something that grows around mud and in a tense atmosphere and yet it grows tall and beautiful" Yoongi explained and kissed hoseok forehead wishing him good night. But there was one question that stayed in Hoseok mind so just as when Yoongi was about to close the door with his unbroken arm Hoseok called his name. "Yoon?" Yoongi turned around looking at the sight of Hoseok curled in his blanket like a seashell. He melted at that sight.

"What's wrong hobi?" He asked concern laced in his voice.

"Who is the water lily here?" Hoseok asked curiosily. Yoongi gave him a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"You are the water lily little one."

Little one.

"And i want you to be a water lily in a world full of mud." With that being said Yoongi shut the door of Hoseok room.

But Hoseok didn't get much sleep that night because he knows the mud that Yoongi has mentioned. He indicated it to himself. The guilt was still there and Hoseok wanted nothing more than to assure him that he have already forgiven him.


The day finally came. He woke up to blinding sunlight and unhindered euphoria that makes him want to dance in the morning rain in the middle of crowds unbothered by the judgments of those who rush to find shelter. "Today is my first day" He mumbled. today he feel fire cursing through his veins with vibrant colors and poetry emerging through every breath.

He stay awake until Dawn to catch glimpse of the rising sun to tell her that now they both are renegade who are free and untamed.

He was ready to leave but he was standing in front of Yoongi room. He just wanted Yoongi to say goodbye to him.

There was so much he want to say to Yoongi but he have spent so long swallowing words that he don't know how to drag them through his throat anymore. He don't know how to speak to him the way he want to, the way he know Yoongi deserve. but he do know that he was sorry, for all of it. He don't think he have ever managed to find the right thing to do, until it was too late.

Hoseok know how dangerous and hard it is to love him, take care of him, how hard it is to watch him grind his own bones just to see if he can feel something.

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