Chapter 8: Thor

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"Well, as always Thor, it was a pleasure," Fandral purred from where he was splayed out across the bed, completely naked.

"Takk," Thor drawled as he pulled his boxers on from where they had been lying strewn across the floor.

"Am I safe in assuming this is the last time you'll be in my bed? Guess I'll just have to see you at the galas and balls," he took a deep drag on the cigarette he had just rolled.

Thor was so grateful Loki didn't smoke. Actually, he didn't think any of the members of the quint smoked. It would be a welcome change from his current three lovers and his ex.

"I do not think that is a safe assumption, no. I still have not had sex with Loki, and even then I'm not sure if he's going to ask me to stop having sex with you. I will still only be in the U.S. half of the time," Thor said.

He rooted around through their tangled clothes to find his pants.

"Oh, well, I didn't think you were going to wait until he asked you to stop. I sort of assumed by how in love with him you are, you'd volunteer to stop. But good to know my body is so irresistible to you," he dragged a hand down his soft chest and even softer stomach, sliding it through the sweat and cum that were drying there.

Thor found Fandral incredibly handsome. He was currently sporting a mustache and tightly trimmed light brown beard which complimented his shock of blonde hair. He was a few centimeters shorter than Thor and while he used to be quite fit, over the years he'd turned to sex, drink, and drugs as his passtimes, spending less and less time in the gym. Thor still loved his body though, and the way it seemed to know Thor's body perfectly.

They'd tumbled into bed together one drunken night when they were teenagers and they'd maintained a best-friends-with-benefits relationship for almost a decade and a half. They'd both had serious relationships that had meant they couldn't sleep together and each time it felt like they were finally donating an old item of clothing, or molting a final layer of skin. However, after Leif, Fandral had dumped his on-again-off-again boyfriend and gone with Thor on his manic bender across Europe.

Fandral's voice held no venom, animosity, or even regret as he spoke now about them ceasing their sexual relations. He could have been letting Thor know he was going to start using a different shampoo for all of the emotion behind his words. They would be best friends for the rest of their lives whether they were having their incredibly comfortable sex or not. That wasn't what was upsetting Thor though.

"I find it hard to believe that with the limited information I have shared with you about Loki-" he kicked at their pile of clothes until he was finally able to find his pants, "that you could come to the conclusion that I am in love with him." Thor yanked on his pants and buttoned them more aggressively than strictly necessary.

Fandral took another long drag on his cigarette before answering. "You talked about him almost all night, and then as soon as you woke up this morning, prinsen min,"

Thor groaned at the old nickname. Throughout their childhood his friends used to call him "my prince" as a joke and Fandral still called him that from time to time.

"I...did not," Thor growled.

"You did."

"You're lying."

He blew a puff of smoke in Thor's direction and he fanned it away in annoyance. "Also Volstagg and Sif have been sending updates."

"Fy faen!" He made a mental note to teach Loki that one. It roughly translated to fucking hell, and Thor used it often.

"I don't know what else you expect. We were all really worried about you after Leif. Even Hogun."

"Hogun has not been worried about me, he's too busy drinking expensive wine at his girlfriend's vineyard," Thor grumbled.

Six is Plenty Stucky/LokixThor/MarvelUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum