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1 year later (Summer 2022) 


"I think our men are hiding something from us," Nicky drawled as he lay with his head in Loki's lap and his legs sprawled across Bucky's back.

They had been hanging out in the red bedroom watching a movie marathon when it had inevitably turned into a sex marathon.

When they moved into the townhouses a year prior, they'd decided to paint and accent their three bedrooms in different colors so they would be known by their colors, not who typically slept in them.

Thor and Loki kept most of their clothes in the purple bedroom, Charlie and Nicky in the green bedroom, and Steve and Bucky in the red bedroom. The red bedroom, which was actually a light maroon with black accents, had the best TV, followed by the purple room, and the green room didn't have a TV.

At Nicky's pretty aggressive insistence, they'd turned the upstairs master bedroom into what he called a sexy staycation room. The bedroom had a heated king size waterbed, mood lighting and enough sex toys and contraptions to make a brothel jealous. The master bathroom had a whirlpool tub and a huge waterfall shower.

They'd turned the basement into a movie theater, equipped with three reclining couches, fridges, a popcorn machine, and slurpee machine Bucky had found at an auction and refurbished with Steve. They had been the most reluctant to accept the luxuries of the house, and they'd developed a hobby of attending auctions and estate sales to furnish their homes as frugally as possible.

The other townhouse was for business. The master bedroom had been turned into somewhat of a command center for Thor and Sif. Thor would often spend hours on end holed up in there running the American side of his company. The business was doing better than ever and they'd taken on even more accounts across the country. Thor was now only working 10% of the time in Norway and all of his lovers and partners were thrilled. They had built a king size murphy bed into the wall, and Volstagg and Sif would sometimes crash on it after a long night of work with Thor.

The other three bedrooms had been turned into an office for Charlie and Bucky, an art studio for Steve, and the processing center for Nicky and Loki's online bakery and candy store.

The basement had been turned into one of the most impressive home gyms Nicky had ever seen. They'd dedicated a quarter of the space to barre and aerobics and Loki and Nicky now joined the other men for their workouts several times a week. Thor and Bucky had taken up their interest in dance again, and they'd had several dance lessons with their lovers and partners, but they often devolved into massive orgies and no one ended up learning the dances.

Nicky was still blown away on a near daily basis with how amazing their lives had turned out. They had all gotten COVID throughout the past year, quarantining in the business townhouse in pairs in the murphy bed. When Steve and Charlie eventually got it, they had gotten much sicker than any of the others had been, but they still came out of it okay.

"What do you mean?" Loki asked, stroking his hand idly through Nicky's hair.

"Every time I walk in on them, it's like they stop talking. The few times I've asked about it I've just been fucked thoroughly until I forgot to ask again," Nicky said with an indignant huff.

He wasn't all that upset. Steve had asked if he could watch him and Thor do a scene about three months into them living here and since then he joined them in the bedroom much more frequently. Steve was actually the one who bought the sex swing for their sexy staycation room.

"Hm, do you think you're just imagining it?" Bucky drawled lazily.

He was sprawled on his stomach, typing idly on his computer. Nicky squeezed him with his legs and he let out an annoyed grunt.

Six is Plenty Stucky/LokixThor/Marvelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن