Chapter 19: Nicky

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Well folks, this is it. This is the chapter that made me write the entire fanfiction to begin with! Me and my partner got COVID and spent a lot of time confined to bed/the house. The entire time I was writing this chapter and then most of the rest of the story in my head.

TW: Character getting COVID19, fear of disease, anxiety, depression, triggers 

The next day progressed in a similar manner and tone as their first day at the vineyard. Loki woke up feeling pretty gender neutral, so they spent the day flitting between the other men, receiving their love and adoration, but not too much more than that. Nicky and Bucky spent a while playing in the pool with Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, and Thor. Charlie lazed around, drinking very small glasses of wine and enjoying no longer being the center of attention and Steve disappeared into the vines for several hours to sketch.

They turned the dinner leftovers into sandwiches for lunch and Thor took Nicky and Bucky on a walk into town. Nicky bought some bottles of really nice olive oil for Charlie and Steve to cook with, and Bucky and Thor laughed and joked around as they picked out local produce for their dinner. Nicky was so glad they seemed to be reconnecting as friends, but he was also itchy with the need to be alone with Thor and Charlie. Ever since their video call, it was like he had a low level fever of need burning through him.

When they got back to the vineyard, Loki was curled up asleep in Charlie's arms while he read a book, and Nicky didn't want to be an asshole and interrupt. So instead, he prowled around until he found Steve, and he cheekily pulled him into their bedroom for a quick blow job. Steve made some comment about being the luckiest guy in the world for how much head he was getting that weekend and Nicky laughed.

He was tempted to go for a swim again, but then Jeanpaul, Luis, and Valkyrie pulled him into a chess tournament and he couldn't say no to that. By the time dinner rolled around, Nicky was about ready to just shuck off his clothes in the middle of the kitchen as he watched Thor, Steve, and Charlie cook together. The way they touched each other was so familiar and sweet it made Nicky's teeth ache and his heart stutter.

Nicky needed someone to touch him like that, right now, and when Bucky came in to offer his assistance, he took one look at Nicky and pulled him out of the kitchen. They made out like teenagers in the hallway until Nicky practically dragged him back upstairs to their bedroom.

Bucky was all too happy to comply, and he pulled the armchair in front of the window so he could bend Nicky over it and they could both look out over the vineyard while they fucked.

Afterwards, Nicky took a speedy shower and decided to wander through the vines. To his surprise, Sif joined him and they walked in silence for a while until Sif reached out a hand and grabbed him by the wrist. They stopped and she gazed intently at him. "Do you love him?" she finally asked.

Nicky hadn't been expecting the question so he answered honestly.

"...yes," he said, surprising even himself with the intensity of that one word.

"Good. Because I think Thor falling in love with Loki was a miracle, but I'm not sure how he's going to handle falling in love with three other men. I wasn't sure if that was the same case for you as well. That the more lovers you have, the harder it is to fall in love with someone new."

Nicky blinked at her for a moment and then he slowly shook his head. "'s...almost the opposite actually. Like...falling in love is a muscle, and the more you use it, the easier it feels every time. I'm not sure if that's how it is for everyone else in the- uh, group but...That's how it is for me. And I understand only a little bit of what Thor has gone through but I promise...I'm not going to rush him into saying or feeling something he's not ready for."

Six is Plenty Stucky/LokixThor/MarvelWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu