Chapter 14: Thor

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"So if Val's parents hate me, are you going to break up with me?"

Loki was anxiously bouncing up and down in his seat as their car made the turn into the airport hanger. He'd been bouncing since the second he got in the car and it was only becoming more frenetic and anxious as they pulled in.

Thor had actually been relatively calm this morning. His alarm had gone off at 3am for them to make their flight at 4.

He'd woken up with Loki in one arm and Nicky sprawled across his other. The six of them had fallen into Steve and Bucky's bed to watch a movie, at Nicky's forceful request, after a wonderful dinner cooked by Charlie and dessert made by Loki. They'd all fallen asleep together but at some point some of them had migrated to the other room for more comfortable sleeping. Six was a lot of grown adults in one bed.

Thor's calm had carried them through the morning of Loki finalizing his packing and had gotten them all the way into the car. Unfortunately, that was when Loki's anxiety had struck with a vengeance and Thor was beginning to find it hard to beat back his own anxiety as well. This, however, was not a source of his anxiety.

"Kjære, they're going to love you. And if they do not, they are not my parents. I do not need their approval. And even if my- my father disapproved of you, I would still not break up with you. Many of my family did not approve of Leif and that clearly didn't stop me."

Therein lay Thor's anxiety. They were now only a day away from the gala where he would see his horrible ex-fiance.

He sighed and ran a hand down his face but he suddenly realized Loki had stopped bouncing in his seat. He turned to look at him and he had an unreadable expression on his face.


"I'm sorry. I am supposed to be here as moral support for you and while I desperately want your family and friends- and friend's families to approve of's not really about me is it...I'm sorry. I'll do better from now on."

Thor felt both alarmed and slightly relieved. He truly didn't care what the others thought of Loki, because Loki was amazing, kind, and loveable, and he knew everyone was going to fall for him. He realized though with the mention of Leif he'd rather undermined that sentiment.

He turned in his seat and cupped Loki's face.

"No, I'm sorry. You have every right to be nervous. I'm sure I will be nervous when I meet your cousins and Hector. I just meant I have the utmost confidence that they will love you just as I- uhm, adore you."

Loki's downcast eyes glanced up and he smirked at him, but didn't say anything. Thor had begun slipping up more often around Loki.

He still truly didn't think he was quite ready to say love, especially with his Norwegian upbringing. In Norway love was a very serious, very private thing. His mother had raised him in a very openly loving house and it had seeped into his friendships and the way he formed romantic attachments as well, but he still moved slower than many others in admitting he was experiencing romantic love. Still though, he was feeling a whole hell of a lot for Loki, whether it was love or the prequel to love he wasn't sure, but it was beginning to seep into his words.

"And if they had some kind of problem with you- which unlike for Leif where it was justified in your case it would be very unjustified- I wouldn't care. Because I have made up my mind about you and I am not easily swayed."

Loki's smirk fell away. "You've...made up your mind about me?"

Thor blinked at him. "...yes?"

"Would to share it with the class?" Loki asked.

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