Chapter 2: Loki

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To say Loki was frazzled would be an understatement.

Loki had just been texting with Thor earlier that day, daydreaming about what it would be like to just text him the truth. That he was definitely developing a crush on him, if not something even stronger than that.

A few weeks before, the quint- he, Nicky, Charlie, Steve, and Bucky- had met to discuss the potential of Loki and Thor dating. Everyone had been incredibly supportive and even excited for Loki, with the caveat that Thor would have to be willing and interested in joining the quint one day.

The last time Loki had seen Thor had been over three weeks prior, and he'd spent the better part of the evening in Thor's arms trying to figure out if he would be interested in dating not just him, but also the entire quint. Or more accurately, the entire quint sans-Bucky, who wasn't interested in taking on any more partners, especially not his ex-lover Thor.

Thor admitted he was interested in polyamory, but hadn't come to any sort of conclusion yet, but he had promised to get back to Loki when he did.

Loki had felt pretty content with that answer for now, allowing his friendship with Thor to blossom naturally over funny texts and a few late night phone calls. He'd been content with it this morning when he'd had sex with Nicky, when he'd gotten dressed and put on one of Charlie's T-shirts, just to see him blush, and he'd been content with it as he'd eaten lunch in bed with Charlie.

He was much less content with it when Thor appeared on their doorstep.

"Hi! Are...are you here to...see Bucky?" Loki asked tentatively, as he gestured Thor into their foyer and onto one of their two couches.

"Would you believe I was just in the neighborhood-"

"Hey baby, I missed you this morning. Were you in Charlie and Nicky's room-" Bucky rounded the corner from the kitchen into the living room and came up short as he saw Thor.

He was shirtless, with a pair of flannel pajama pants riding low on his hips. Loki momentarily thought that Thor had already seen all of Bucky, so maybe this wasn't as awkward as it felt for Loki. Bucky just stared at them though so maybe it was a little awkward.

Loki gave him big, panicked eyes, but Bucky didn't seem to pick up on them. "Oh- hello! Thor, I had no idea you were in town! And...Loki, I didn't know you'd invited him over?"

He gave Loki's outfit an up and down appraisal with a skeptical look on his face. Loki could have facepalmed if it wouldn't cause this rapidly deteriorating encounter to become even more awkward.

"Uhm, I didn't-"

"Loki, darling, who was at the door- oh, Thor! How nice to see you! Would have been nice to have a slight warning, sweetheart, I would have put on something- ...well I was going to say nicer but perhaps just 'something' is actually appropriate."

Nicky had just emerged into the dining room wearing only boxers and Loki was pretty sure he was going to die of embarrassment.

If Steve or Charlie walked out half naked he was just going to throw himself off the balcony.

"I didn't-" Loki tried to say again.

"My apologies, my very fit friends!" Thor exclaimed in his most friendly voice, or at least the most friendly voice Loki had heard thus far. He was very clearly checking Nicky out, who, never one to give up free attention, leaned his hip on the dining room table and crossed his arms, flexing his biceps.

Bucky snorted and scooted around Nicky on his way back into the bedroom. "Just one moment Thor, let me make sure no one else is going to walk out here naked."

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