Chapter 11: Nicky

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Nicky's mind was surprisingly blank as he followed Thor out of their apartment complex and on a walk around their part of town. Typically, after sex Nicky's mind was like a rock concert, no real thoughts just a cacophony of noise and chaos.

His mind would sometimes go blank after doing an intense scene where he dropped, but that was more like he went somewhere else as opposed to staying present but being clear headed. That was how he felt now. He also hadn't dropped, even a little, doing the Daddy play which made this all the more surprising.

He had that horrible moment of doubt and fear in the middle, but as soon as Thor confirmed for him that he wanted it just as much as Nicky did, it was like all the noise that was always in his head stopped.

He had gotten really cold after the scene, which was new, but if that was all the payment he had to give, he would gladly pay it every single time. He hadn't had even the slightest urge to leave Thor's arms afterwards, he'd actually wanted the opposite. He'd wanted to stay safe in his arms for a long time.

He still wasn't sure if he wanted a Daddy outside of sex, but he was curious if it could help with his anxiety from time to time. He thought now was definitely not the right time to bring this up though because Thor had gotten really serious and scared looking, and was leading Nicky on a walk to apparently talk about something.

They'd gone several blocks and he still hadn't said anything and Nicky felt some of the doubt and fear start to creep back into his mind. Without really thinking he quietly whispered, "Daddy...?"

Thor immediately reached out and wrapped an arm around his shoulder pulling him into his side as they walked.

"Are you still locked in, baby?" Thor asked softly.

Nicky would have said no but the way the Daddy-baby exchange had his muscles relaxing and his mind quieting down had him questioning that.

"I...I don't know what I am...I'm sorry... I know we just said we don't know if we're going to do this out of the bedroom but-...fuck, I'm sorry..."

"Hey, baby, it's okay. We're both new to this. We're just figuring it out together. What do you need right now?"

"I...I don't know. I'm actually feeling really good like- my head feels really clear. Honestly, clearer than it ever has after sex. want to talk and- I don't know I started freaking out a little I guess but...I feel better again..."

"Do you think it was the Daddy exchange that helped or did you just need some reassurance?" he asked.

"I...don't know," he said honestly. He reached up and held Thor's hand that was dangling over his shoulder.

"Okay. Well, we'll keep experimenting and just see what works for us," Thor said, gazing down at him.

"Okay," Nicky said and he smiled back up at him. "So...what did you want to talk about?"

Thor took a deep breath and let it out in a woosh.

"So...about a month ago when Loki and I decided to start dating, I was still having sex with- well...with a fair amount of people in Europe. I haven't had a consistent lover in America-...actually since Bucky. But I have many in Europe. None of them are romantic and most of them are several years old if not over a decade old. I asked Loki if he wished for me to stop and-" Thor let out a small laugh and Nicky looked up at his face.

His cheeks were tinged pink and his eyes were tense, but his mouth was quirked in a rueful smile. "Basically Loki said that because when I was in Europe, he was sleeping with three lovers, we agreed that I would also keep three lovers, which was actually four because I chose a woman in Spain, a friend in France as well as his partner, and my childhood friend in Norway-"

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