Chapter 15: Salem Prime

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Walker POV:

???: " at last."

Walker: "W-What the..."

In the corner of my eye I notice Ozpin looking terrified, his grip on his cane very shaky.

If he's this scared...then that must mean this is a Prime Human. This is Salem.

Salem(?): "O' Ozma. I have finally been freed from the shackles of those creatures."

She fully stands and...woah. Her body is translucent. Her skeleton isn't visible, most likely because this is just a soul, but bits of her nervous system are visible including her heart. Her eyes are silver, a bright and shiny silver, not quite white. Her hair is shifting between platinum blonde and completely white. Her body is luminescent, glowing a bright white and blue without being blinding.

Salem(?): "You. Machine. I must thank you for freeing me from that prison." she friendly? Or at least neutral? The way she said creatures when describing the Grimm sounded so full of hatred.

Ozpin: "'re a Prime Human..."

She looks down at her hands, her face never changing emotions and staying neutral.

Salem: "The creature, Grall, was a perfect candidate for this to occur. I was trapped in that flesh emotions and hatred bouncing off the insides and reflecting back into was a perfect situation for my will and soul to overpower the corruption and maintain form."

I spot multiple blue dots to the East of our location. Atlas aircrafts. A bit too late for that. I don't think she's a hostile...though my radar isn't picking her up...there's nothing.

"I don't think our radar was designed for physically manifested souls."

Salem: "But."

She clenches her fists and stares daggers down at all of us.

Salem: "To have my humanity erased from existence due to weakness...and this is the result? This one stays? No...this can't continue."

The sky darkens even more as if we've entered a completely black void expect for the ground being visible only due to Salems glowing soul.

Salem: "The old humanity is watching from up above...and they are angry." she talking about...?

"We need to run. Now."

Salem: "Everything will be as it should be...WITH YOUR DEATHS."
3rd person POV:

Salem takes three steps forward before flying at Walker, kicking him in the chest in the same way he kicked Grall. Walker is flung backwards, flying over the sand and nearly landing in the water, only stopped by one of Weiss's glyphs.

Salem jumps high into the air and aims a foot down. She quickly descends and makes contact with the ground, creating a massive shockwave that flings everyone backwards.

Salem: "You are this humanity's greatest creation. Prove my previous words wrong."

Walker yells and goes back into Overdrive, flying at Salem and connecting a punch to her face. She stumbles back and pulls her fist back. A white snake coils around her arm and when she punches forward, a large yellow snake is flown forward at Walker. He dodges it as it flies at him but it quickly turns back and tracks him down.

"You might be able to punch it back! Reflect it!" Sai tells him.

Walker reels his fist back and punches the snake in the head. The snake flies backwards into the water and explodes. Before Walker can process what happened with the snake, Salem teleports in front of him and hits him with an overhead kick, sending him further into the destroyed island.

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