Chapter 6: Dragon at Rock Bottom

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Walker POV:

Well. The talk with Pyrrha went okay. Better then okay actually. I just hope she can keep my secret a...well, secret. But speaking of that secret. I've done some thinking and I don't know if it's concerning me or not.

Will I find love? This would be a bit easier to figure out if I was still a human and not a machine. I don't think I could physically have children or be appealing in any way. I sort of sealed off that future of being a father. Maybe. I don't know if the glasses at Atlas could fix that problem.

Glasses at Atlas? Gods I'm talking like Qrow now. Heheh.

I being in a relationship that much of a priority to me? I was cheated on less then a month, 4 months ago. God my sense of time is still out of wack from being asleep/dead for 3 months.

I don't feel the need to get into a relationship yet parts of my human brain and mind still think about it. The intimacy and closeness I was able to have with Yang.

It...misses it.

Figured as much. Family was never that crazy with that sort of thing. Winter only had enough time to be a mother-ish figure to one of us and she chose Weiss. Do I blame her? Not really. Whitley is a replica of father and I was a so called disgrace. Weiss is also the only sister she has so I guess that meant something.

And then running away. Gods above was that lonely. Having to resort to listening to Qrows "teachings" and ramblings for entertainment. Heh. No, they were pretty fun at times. But working at Juniors wasn't enough after a bit.

I regret cooperating with Roman and his silent short-stack at times. Not this time because of my encounter with Cinder and the others. Not only did we prevent a potential devastating attack on Beacon and Vale AND get Cinder and Emerald arrested just by knowing who they were thanks to Romans connections, but I got Mercury on our side and redeeming himself. So I guess one good thing came out of it.

But God was I lonely. Desperate for an actual friend, for a family so to speak. Found that at Beacon but that was short lived thanks to Yang. How was I able to be so calm near her earlier? Maybe the cybernetic parts of my mind and body are keeping my emotions in check like an actual robot.

Will I lose myself over the years? Just become this cold calculating weapon for Atlas? I can't even age so if I just keep receiving upgrades as time goes by...I'll live forever.

I'll...outlive anyone I ever COULD fall in love with. The only options would be Penny or if someone else were to become like me. I don't know with Penny. I don't think she was designed with this kind of thing in mind. I know I wasn't but pieces of me are still human so I understand and know but I don't know with her...

And I would never wish for someone to have to deal with this. Yeah, the power that comes from it is great and you gain a lot of quality of life improvements...but at the end of the day you aren't even human anymore. You're a computerized husk.
I head up to the roof top and look towards the city of Vale. I remember it sometimes getting a bit chilly up here on the roof but I don't feel it anymore. It's still so bizarre. My mind goes on autopilot and then I'm hit in the face with all these things being gone that I'd never think twice of.

I fiddle with my eye patch to make sure it's in place correctly and see a blue dot on the radar coming very close. So close that I hear the door to the rooftop open. I turn and see Ruby looking a bit on the tired side, her hair disheveled and her clothes torn up a little.

Walker: "Training I assume?"

Ruby: "Yeah..."

She pants as she comes up to me and looks out at the view, resting her head on her arms.

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