Chapter 8: Robots Heartstrings

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3rd person POV:

As Walker stumbles into the dorm room, he feels a heavy weight pushing itself onto his back. Of course there physically isn't anything there but the overwhelming distraught from seeing a nearly dead Yang from the ceiling.

Winter comes up behind him and helps him find and change into some comfier clothing before getting into her bed. She lets him get in first before following in. She grabs her laptop from the side of her bed and rests it on her stomach and turning it on.

Winter: "You can rest into me if you'd like brother. I won't mind it one bit. It would be extremely unfair of me after what we both just witnessed..."

Without hesitation, Walker closes the gap between them and rests his head at the crook of Winters arm. She holds him gently against her while she selects a movie for them to watch.

Winter: "Will you be okay? Good enough to fight for the the tournament?"

Walker: "Yeah...I just need to shake this off...knowing she will be safe will be good enough for me..."
Later into the night, with Winter sound asleep, Walker slowly crawls over Winter and changes back into his normal clothes.

Walker: "I can't sleep..."

He takes a deep breath and goes into the bathroom to fix his hair up a bit before deciding to take a walk to clear his head.
Walker POV:

I need to take a walk. Do something at least. Winters bed is warm and all but my mind is racing.

The second I step outside I feel chills run up my body. I wonder if the dance went alright. Are there any after parties? I'm sure there are, it's a bunch of children here still.

Heh. Your inner Schnee is showing, Walker.

As I step over to the RWBY dorm, I swear I hear crying. The door is open and I see Glynda standing in the door way being very quiet. I sigh and walk over to her. She turns her head and nods at me, allowing me to get closer.

Glynda: "I know I've thanked you a thousand times but..."

Walker: "I know...I know..."

I hear a murmur from inside and take a peak inside.


Her face is covered in tears, she's sitting on her knees's not a pretty sight.

Both Weiss and Blake have a very pained expression on their face. I've seen that look before. One I've seen on Yangs face a million times now. Ones of guilt. And not the normal guilt someone would feel.

Weiss: "Walker...Yang tried t-to..."

Walker: "I know. Me and Winter busted in and saved her. The sight was...haunting."

Weiss finally breaks and begins to cry into her hands. Blake clenches her fists and sits down on her bed looking completely broken.

Blake: "...she wasn't lying."

Seems they finally realized it. Definitely not sitting right with them.

Glynda: "I've already explained that they will need a replacement. Tomorrow morning I will go to Ozpin about Pyrrha and then ask her directly."

Walker: "Right...thanks for taking my suggestion..."

Glynda nods and leaves the dorm for the night. I close the door and lock it before turning on one of the lights.


What do I do here exactly? Ruby is having a complete breakdown, Weiss is crying by herself in a corner and Blake is just sitting on her bed. Even her bow is gone and her ears have folded down.

RWBY: Frozen Tomb (RWBY CheaterxM!Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat