Chapter 5: Invincible Girl's Comeback

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Walker POV:

Wow. Pyrrha just cleared out all of CRDL like they were nothing. Even in her depressive state she kicked their asses.

Mercury: "So that's the prodigy? I've heard of her a couple times but I never met her."

Mercury has actually been doing pretty good as of recent. Seems Neo ran back to Roman and are now out of this plan due to not enough forces and nothing to get in here with. Seems the attack was fully avoided. Thank Gods.

Walker: "What, wanna fight her?"

Mercury: "Kinda. Emerald was a good fight but more because of her semblance. Pyrrha seems perfect for an actual throw down."

Walker: "Heh. If you say so."

Mercury grins and starts to stand but we both hear someone yell my name in excitement from my left. And you know...I'm actually quite happy to see her right now.

Penny: "Walker!"

Penny practically launches herself at me and gives me a big hug, squeezing me as tight as Nora would.

Walker: "Woah there! Let's not use that robot strength on hugs Penny!"

Penny laughs and apologizes before sitting down behind me.

Penny: "Oh? Who's your friend Walker? I don't recognize him?"

Wait. Shouldn't she know? I sent out a...nevermind.

Walker: "That's Mercury, an old acquaintance of mine from before I came to Beacon. He's trying to reform himself just like I did back then."

Mercury: "Walker. You said something about robot strength there. Is she also?"

Penny: "Yes! Though not the same as Walker. I am trying to keep it a secret due to orders from Ironwood. I am fully an artificial human! My soul actually comes from a part of my dad's soul. That's how I was born."

Mercury chuckles and stands up, cracking his knuckles.

Mercury: "I've been on this side for less then a week and I've already seen more interesting things then when I was with Cinder. This is making me excited!"

Mercury jumps down from the stands and confronts Pyrrha who's currently talking with Nora and Ren in a little circle.

Penny: "You sent out a sonar the other day. He's an enemy you know."

Walker: "Not anymore. He proved himself by partially halting Cinders plan. He's been with Qrow as well and is learning to not surround his life completely in violence and hatred."

Penny nods and starts to play with my hair from behind me. She's always been so interested in it and I can never figure out why.

Penny: "You must see the similarities between you and him then if you're giving him a chance."

Walker: "Heh. He received way worse treatment then me but yeah. He's me but to an extreme. But I can also tell he didn't WANT to be in this life."

Penny: "Alright. I'm just looking out for you is all. Just looking out for my mechanical brother."


That has to be the nicest thing Penny has ever said to me and despite me being a cyborg now, I feel my body warming up from happiness...
Yang POV:

Yang: "So are we here to train or to watch?"

Blake: "Watch for the most part. I don't think a couple sparring sessions would hurt though."

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