Chapter 87 - Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

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“I pretended to be Ping Yifan, as I wanted to lay a trap for Yan Wenxin, that old fox, as well as… hiss…” Just as Guan Shanjin wanted to resist answering, the pain in his head became so intense that it caused him to gasp. He was not intentionally trying to hide the truth, only feeling that the truth was too embarrassing. Unfortunately for him, this drug was truly too demanding. Unwilling to let Wu Xingzi worry over him, dejectedly, he gave an honest answer. “I just don’t want you to be tempted away by other men. Rancui, that little fox, is always pushing you, always hoping to just shove you at any other man out there and have you spend the rest of your life with him. Isn’t that so? Look, just as your heart calmed down, he immediately gave you a copy of the Pengornisseur. Tell me yourself, before coming to the capital and meeting Ping Yifan, how many letters did you send through the pigeon express, hmm?”

The lilt at the end of the question tickled Wu Xingzi’s heart. He hummed a couple of times, unable to stop himself from nuzzling into Guan Shanjin’s warm and broad chest.

With the continuous grinding against him, Guan Shanjin felt himself lit aflame with desire. He no longer suppressed himself, but bent his head down and pressed against the old fellow’s tender lips, suckling on them. Their tongues tangled and intertwined, and Wu Xingzi was kissed to the point where he felt as though even his eyes were heating up. Only when he was unable to catch his breath, and his entire being felt like a puddle of water, did Guan Shanjin finally release that trembling tongue, ending the kiss. However, as Wu Xingzi was panting for air, Guan Shanjin again could not help himself and started kissing the older man. The soft and clinging kiss seemed endless, and Guan Shanjin truly wished that he could just swallow the old man inside him and be done with it.

“Ai… Don’t kiss…” Wu Xingzi really could not endure it any longer, and he pushed at Guan Shanjin feebly. There were still many questions he wanted to ask, and he could not let his previous efforts go to vain! With how demanding this drug was on the body, how could he drug Guan Shanjin a second time with it? What was he going to do if he did not use these four hours wisely?

Guan Shanjin naturally understood. Although he wished to just push Wu Xingzi down and go ahead, skipping over all the honesty and truth-telling bits, he vaguely knew that if he really wanted to tuck the old thing under his wing for the rest of his life, pampering him and doting on him, he could not avoid today’s situation. If not, the person who would be left empty-handed, would definitely be him.

After giving a fierce nibble on Wu Xingzi’s lips, Guan Shanjin panted, pressing his forehead against the forehead of the man lying in his arm, and their breaths mingled. “You can continue asking. Hurry up and finish.”

His self-control was getting demolished under the influence of the truth-telling drug, and it was hard to say how long he could hold on for. Although he had been meeting Wu Xingzi everyday recently, as he was afraid of exposing himself as well as being jealous over Ping Yifan, he had been fiercely suppressing his desires with his inner strength. Now, his desire could be said to be coming down upon him like an avalanche, and his cold sweat was not entirely due to the truth-telling drug.

With his mouth open as he gasped for air, Wu Xingzi saw that Guan Shanjin was about to start kissing him again, and so he hurriedly asked, “Why do you want to lay a trap for Yan Wenxin? Did it start from Bastion City?”

“Yes… When I was at Bastion City, I had already begun to deal with Yan Wenxin. This matter cannot go beyond this courtyard, and it’s best that you forget everything upon hearing it, hmm?” Guan Shanjin gently caressed Wu Xingzi’s face. Only after he saw him nod and promise, did he then continue. “The one who wants to deal with Yan Wenxin… it’s the Emperor. You know that the family line of the Lord Protector has always been ministry officials, and the one we’re loyal to is the person on the throne, and to the country itself. During these years, Yan Wenxin has been prospering well within the official court, and in his hands is countless wealth and power.”

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