Chapter 70 - I've Missed You... (NSFW)

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Author Note:

This is a chaotic chapter that I could not help but create to prevent myself from exploding!

I’ve been wanting to write smut to the point where even flowers have wilted already!

However, this is only a wet dream XD, you guys didn’t miss any chapters XDDDD


Edited by DancingDolphinsYo

A cool, subtle scent wafted over. Wu Xingzi, who was asleep, twitched his nose slightly. Blearily opening his sleepy eyes, he looked out through the bed curtains.

The moonlight outside was the colour of water, cascading into the room along with a chill. Wu Xingzi shuddered, pushing himself up slightly. Just as he was about to pull the curtains open to close the window, his wrist was suddenly caught by another hand.

It was a hand that seemed as though it was carved from hetian jade. The fingers were well-defined, the structure of the hand perfect. A few calluses left from the usage of weapons could vaguely be seen, and the skin that was against his wrist, unlike how smooth it looked, felt rough and coarse.

Even though it was only a hand, Wu Xingzi was able to tell who it belonged to.

A shiver ran through him, and he woke up completely. Trembling, his eyes followed along the hand, up the arm. Inch by inch, his eyes slid up the strong and muscular arm concealed by the night, until he caught sight of the face that he had been dreaming of all this while. Wu Xingzi took in a deep breath.


“Hmm?” A faint smile appeared on the man’s face, like a flower blooming in spring. Wu Xingzi’s heart skipped a beat.

Gulping, Wu Xingzi blinked rapidly, afraid that he was dreaming. According to the adage, what you think about in the day; you would dream of at night. Ever since he arrived at the capital, for the past few days, all he could think of was Guan Shanjin, and he even avoided any mentions of the Peng Society gathering. To dream of this man at night, it seemed to make sense.

“Y-you… How did you…” Wu Xingzi was bursting with questions. However, when the words came to his mouth, he was unable to say anything. Staring foolishly at Guan Shanjin, he remained just like this, not even daring to touch the man with his hand.

“I’ve missed you.” Guan Shanjin was a lot more straightforward. He leant towards Wu Xingzi slightly, soundlessly wrapping the older man into his embrace and patting the thin back as though in comfort.

These days, Wu Xingzi had been very well taken care of. He had filled out a little, his sharp, pointy chin rounding out, and his shoulder blades that used to jut out very severely were no longer that protruding. As Guan Shanjin hugged him, he even felt a little softer and warmer.

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