Chapter 76 - No Matter How Painful Getting Hoisted By One's Own Petard Is, It's

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Chapter 76 – No Matter How Painful Getting Hoisted By One’s Own Petard Is, It’s Self-Inflicted

Edited by DancingDolphinsYo

As Guan Shanjin’s Vice General, Man Yue was so busy that he barely had any time to breath. Despite finally managing to come back to the capital to submit their reports, he had no time to return to his own home, and he still lived in his old room back in the Protector General’s estate.

Today was a rare event where he had managed to steal a few hours for a breather. Man Yue opened every window in his room. The plants and trees in the yard were lush and green, and there were also clusters of bushes and low trees, providing a refreshing and comforting sight.

Although the summer sun was scorching hot, there was still a cool breeze blowing in the afternoon, accompanied by the chirping of the cicadas. With some iced fruit wine next to him, he flipped through a few pages of a book he had read months ago as he chewed on a stick of spicy jerky, falling into the story of the top scholar battling the princess, which finally culminated with a child being born.

The scene was the top scholar pointing right at the princess’s nose, reproaching her, “They all said that the princess is virtuous and kind hearted, never saying a word of evil, and never probing one’s skeletons in the closet. Although female, she’s comparable to a man seven-foot tall! Who would have known that all these were only rumours? Now that I’ve seen it for myself today, I have no choice but to suspect that these were all lies spread by the princess herself! Such a young girl, yet so deplorable to the bones! How could I, Top Scholar, marry such a vicious woman like you?!”

Man Yue rocked back and forth with laughter. The top scholar of this book actually had the first name Scholar and the last name Top!

How would the princess respond to this arrogant and bossy Top Scholar? Man Yue wiped his tears of laughter away, drinking a mouthful of his fruit wine before picking up another piece of spicy jerky to chew at. He flipped to the next page eagerly… And the door to his room slammed open! Man Yue nearly fell off his seat in shock, only to see his door bounce close from slamming into the wall and then it was kicked open again. With a crack, a part of the door came loose, and it swung there limply.

Man Yue tossed away the jerky in his hand, leaping up and watching Guan Shanjin, who upon entering the room, ripped off the mask that gave him an ordinary appearance. The almost demonically beautiful face was furious, and before Man Yue could open his mouth, the man lifted his leg to kick the table in front of him over.

“Uhh, this is…” Although Man Yue was staying in the Protector General’s compound, the furniture in the room had all been paid for by himself. It was not that the Protector General was stingy, just that he preferred furnishing his own place of residence.

This table that had been kicked over was made of top quality Chinese rosewood. He had been using it very carefully over the years, and even when he was not in the capital, he would assign people to take care of it. The wood was both warm and smooth to touch, and Man Yue’s heart was now dripping with blood.

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