Chapter 18 : Scorpia and Consequences

Comincia dall'inizio

Adora leaves the Room. Catra stops at the door and looks at me "she's right you know. You deserve to be happy scorps" then she too left and i was alone in my "Prison"

Catras POV:

Outside I take Adoras hand and with a smirk say "so i already made you this happy hmm" "yeah you did" she kisses my forehead and my Tail wraps around her thigh when a Guard tells us that the Queen wants a report.

The Queen was not happy with what we told her "Why would you give her an Ultimatum? I never ordered you to do that"

"We had not choice your Highness. Without a Timeline, Scorpia would not even consider it and simply wait for rescue; she, deep down knows, ain't coming. This is how we are trained but with an Ultimatum, she HAS to make an active choice now" Adora elaborated.

"hmm i understand. You do have a point Adora but next time at least ask my opinion "

"understood your highness."

"Before you go. There is someone else that needs a Word with both of you. It's about a certain transgression this Noon. Let them in" I froze when the Queen said that, remembering Adoras words "This could have consequences''

Two men enter and i recognize the little fucker whos Nose i broke just hours ago immediately "You Majesty" both of them bow deeply "Lt.Hol. High counsel Viscar" after a small greeting the Queen asks "I agreed to hear you out so lets hear what happened"

"My Son was attacked by this vicious Hybrid. I demand reparations for this atrocity"

"I see. Catra is this true?"

I think about this for a moment "Factually i did harm him yes...."

"SEE? IT admits it even" Adoras Eyes stared daggers at him, fists balled

"because i have been insulted enough in my time in the Horde and will let NOONE call me PET" i say, as calmly as i can

"Pet?" the Queen raised an eyebrow. "Lt. Hol did you call her a PET?"

".....yes your highness" Hol admited, his father clearly undeterred by this

"So? she is of low Birth and just a dirty Hybrid. Where i come from she would be lucky to be a Concubine"

Adora steps in front of me, visibly shaking, to say "You need to learn to choose your Words more carefully, before someone takes care of your Tongue for you" Viscar looks at her, shocked why this random lowly former Horde Soldier would dare speak to him. Not gonna lie, it did make me happy when I heard her say that.

"I see" the Queen stands up "I indeed see now that i failed to act on this sooner." I was ready to kill both of them, depending on how things would turn out but Adora notices my Panic and takes my Hand "Lt Hol you are hereby relieved of your command effective immediately"

Silence...nobody expected this. "w..what?" Hol stuttered while his Father said "WHAT? YOU TAKE THAT.... THING'S SIDE?"

"I am on the side that honors the Truth Gentleman. Catra was provoked by Hol and she defended herself. Hol should consider himself lucky he is still alive which shows how much Catra exercised self control in the matter" i look at Adora, mouthing "Thank you"

"HOW....But..why" Viscar stutterers

"I may need to reconsider your status at court as well, Viscar. If you miss your Hometown so much that you think you can treat Hybrids like Slaves wich, you are well aware, has been outlawed for over a century in Bright Moon. You and your Son may leave now" Hol stared at me like he was going to say something but thought better of it.

After they both leave I let out a long loud sigh in relief "Thank you..your Majesty. Truth be told i did not think you would take my side in this when they walked in here"

The Queen actually smiled at me "Of course i did Catra but only because you didn't cripple or kill him....that would have been more difficult to defuse"

"Adora....held me back from doing so actually" Adora just smiled

"and you listened to me. That's not nothing"

"She is right. I am sorry that this ....unfortunate event took place. Do you wish for anything as compensation Catra?" feeling actually grateful I didn't need anything else

"hmm no thank you, i think the Soundproof room will suffice as compensation" wile i grab Adoras ass which made her yelp in surprise.

The Queen lets out an actual giggle "very well then. Please don't let me keep you both. you may leave"

After we left we went to dinner, made some smalltalk with Bow and Glimmer who told us Entrapta would stay in Plumeria until after Princess Prom and made plans for the event itself which was only days away now.

When we were back at our Room, i just hugged Adora in relive "Shit ....i was scared"

"Yeah same here...that i would need to kill someone inside the Throne Room"

"I was scared that i would know.. you"

"Never" Adora said which made my Heart hammer and my Body fully realize that my Heat was still very much a thing. "Ready to show me how much you've improved?" I asked her with a smirk "Always" Adora answered with a smile and a Kiss.


Not much left of my original idea. Only things left to write are Princess Prom and the finale...maybe an epilogue but not sure yet. Have a nice Day

Where i belong (COMPLETE!)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora