“They can be a handful, I know, but just be gentle with them. I’m sure they’ll warm up to eventually,” she told me sincerely and I nodded absentmindedly. As if that crap will actually happen… “I’ve packed some lunch for them, sunscreen, wet wipes and other essentials. They really enjoy the playground there and have quite a lot of friends there. It’s not too far from here, but it’ll do you good to familiarise with the area. You should be back by three.”

I nodded my head and then got into the passenger seat, next to a young man wearing a driver’s uniform. He eyed me with curiosity, and I eyed him right back. Granted, he was quite cute but that didn’t mean I’d excuse his rude behaviour. I flipped my hair and looked to the side. I just decided that he wasn’t worth the effort. I don’t need to interact with him anyway, I really don’t need another judgemental person in my life.

He chuckled to himself and started the car, heading straight for the open cast iron gates. Aiden and Brianna were chatting to each other all through the ride, whilst I remained silent, observing the passing scenery. England was a lot different from America. Especially this suburb; it was so affluent and aristocratic. The smell of old and new money wafted in the air. The well-manicured lawns and gargantuan lawns almost made me nauseous. 

I think I’m allergic to wealth.

Was that even remotely possible? 

When we got there, the unnamed driver stationed the car on the curb and went out to help the children exit. I too jumped out, grabbed the stuff Meredith packed. As soon as they hit the tarmac, the little brats basically sprinted into the open space occupied by couples, old folks and a whole bunch of children.

“You guys! Wait up!” I yelled out loud but they had already gone so far. I huffed in annoyance, to which the driver laughed. I glared at him. “Why are you laughing?” I snapped at him.

He just grinned. A stupid charming grin. Ugh, I already hate this guy. “Because I can tell you and the tiny Dukes don’t get along. It’s rather refreshing to watch your beautiful face scrunch up in irritation,” he teased me and I rolled my eyes. He might have called me beautiful but I didn’t give a damn about it. It meant nothing to me because I’d heard that from the most jerkish men. 

I waved him off. “I liked you better with your mouth shut,” I told him saucily. He moved closer to me.

“I like you better with your mouth open, darling,” he purred at me seductively and I almost slapped him. Almost. I knew better than to cause a scene. 

My eyes narrowed to slits. “You know what? I don’t have time for this or you!” I spat and then started to go after the children.

Everybody seemed to want to get onto my nerves today! But the one who made me so angry up to now is Theodore. Why did he seem like he was mad at me before he left? How had I offended him? He was the one who outright overstepped his boundaries by holding me in his arms. 

You sound like a bitter ex-lover, by conscience taunted and I swear if I could, I would have punched it in the face. I finally got to the twins, who were by a carousel, laughing their lungs out with a group of children their age. I must admit, they looked so adorable like that. The sight brought a warmth to my chest, I had no idea why. I just wish things could have gone differently between all of us. Maybe one day they will warm up to me.

Spotting a vacant bench, I sat down and put the luggage I was carrying beside me. The air was still moist from the previous rain and the sun’s rays weren’t too lethal. I doubt they’d be needing sunblock anytime soon. I’d been sitting for an about half an hour when my phone went off. I fished it out of my pocket, only to see an unknown number flashing across my screen.

Hesitantly, I answered it. “Hello?”

“How are you, Maya?”

Oh, I knew that voice from anywhere. In fact, I loathed that voice with every fibre of my being. “Where did you get my number?” I fired rapidly, eliciting a snide laugh from the caller.

“Is that anyway to talk to your mother?” she taunted arrogantly and I gnashed my teeth. I cannot believe that this woman gave birth to me. Such vile creatures have no business having children.

“You disowned me, remember? I technically don’t have a mother,” I replied in a low voice, hatred and disgust oozing from my voice. “What do you want? Unless either you or dad have a terminal disease, there would be no other reason for you to call me.”

She tsked. “Your father and I are both fine. Believe it or not, I called just to check up on you.”

I guffawed at this. That’s rich. Since when had she begun to care about me again? “I think you know I’m alive. Now, why don’t we cut the chase and you actually tell me why you called?”

“Alright. Your father and I are hosting a social dinner with our close friends and partners. They’re bringing their children, and your father has requested your presence. I had told him that we could just hire an actress to stand in for you, but unfortunately, you’ve met some of these people so they’d notice it right away,” she said calmly and my heart clenched. Did she hate me that much that she’d have someone else pretend to be me? I must be a huge disappointment in their eyes.

I blinked away the tears that threatened to fall. “I can’t make it,” I said in a steely voice.

She paused. “Why not?”

“Because I am currently in England with my new multi-millionaire boyfriend. Thus, I am unable to attend. Tell father I send my regards,” I voiced in a syrupy tone and then ended the call. Afterwards, I blocked her number.

Even though it was just a silly white lie, I could imagine how shocked she was. I could almost envision her jaw dropping as I announced the news. That ought to show them that I am up to big things, well, fake big things. 

I might as well make the most out of my stay in London, right?


Greetings fellow earthlings! I know this is a little late but hopefully it is well delivered.

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Do you like our sarcastic yet funny female lead?

What do you think about Maya and her parents' relationship?

I'm really having fun writing this story but I hope you know, a lot of drama is yet to unfold.

I can't overemphasize this; vote, comment and share ⤵️⤵️⤵️

See you all on Friday!


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