Chapter 21

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Rachel's POV:

The warmth of Zack's hand overlapped with the frigidness of mine. His hold on my hand never faltered any step of the way to his dad on the opposite end of the street.

'Good morning, sir.', I said in a polite tone as soon as I was facing him.

He didn't respond.

His expression remained indecipherable. 

I couldn't begin to make out his thoughts or mood, and it was making me uneasy.

I noticed how his hazel brown eyes were identical to Zack's when he stared into my blue ones. It was as if he was searching my eyes for something.

'Come on in.', he said coldly after a few seconds of excruciating silence.

'He doesn't like me.', I whispered into Zack's ear, my voice unsteady.

I wasn't in my best mental state. The fact that Audrey and dad got back together, not that they ever divorced, wasn't the lightest weight on my mind. Even after almost a week, it was still getting to me and not a day had passed without me dwelling on going home. I could cry my eyes out at the least upsetting thing at the moment.

'He's always like that. Don't worry.', Zack whispered back dismissively with a reassuring smile as he squeezed my hand.

'Come on.', he continued.

I then followed in Zack's steps into the house with reluctant ones.

The house as a whole had an elegant feel to it. From the high ceiling and white walls to the simple, solid-colored furniture.

His dad was already settled on the couch, flipping through channels on the TV, while his mom was out of sight.

'Where's your mom?', I whispered to Zack.

He opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by a female voice, sounding from upstairs.

'Who do we have here?', the voice said and got progressively louder as the owner of the voice stepped down the stairs revealing herself.

'Rachel, meet my mom. Mom, meet Rachel, my girlfriend.', Zack introduced as I blinked multiple times at how stunning his mom was.

She fit an emerald, green dress that came to her knees and slipped down her slender shoulders perfectly as her golden, blonde hair flowed down her back in soft curls.

She fit an emerald, green dress that came to her knees and slipped down her slender shoulders perfectly as her golden, blonde hair flowed down her back in soft curls

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'Good morning. Thanks for having me.', I said after snapping myself out of the trance her beauty put me in. I couldn't afford to mess this up.

'Good morning, dear.', she said, forcing a wide smile that didn't reach her hazel green eyes.

I couldn't seem to shake off the bad feeling that I wasn't welcome.

'Care to have breakfast with us?', she continued.

'Sure, would love to!'

And like that, all four of us were seated at a dining table, having hard-boiled eggs and fried bacon. 

Ever since meeting by the door, Zack's dad hasn't even glanced my direction once. He was either watching TV or staring at his plate with a bored look.

I started to wonder what I had done wrong and before I knew it, my head was overflowing with anxious thoughts, and I felt sick to my stomach that I couldn't eat a single bite.

'Rachel, dear.', Zack's mom called out.


'What do you major in?', she asked with that same forced smile.

'Pharmaceutical science.', I answered.

'Ah, I see. How are your grades?'

As soon as the question came out of her mouth, I froze in my place.

'Mom, don't.', Zack warned as if he knew what was happening next.

'What? I didn't say anything.', she said in defense.

'It's okay, Zack. I have a high school GPA of three.', I stated after recomposing myself. 

She wouldn't judge me based on my grades, right?

She doesn't look like the kind of person to do that.

I couldn't be more wrong.

'A three?!', she exclaimed as a shocked expression took over.

I felt my heart rate increase as my anxiety heightened. 

'You can't be dating my son.', she said as my eyes widened.

She said the one thing I had dreaded the most. What hurt the most was that she was right. I have been trying to ignore it, but Zack was too good for me. He had a future. I could see how hard he has been trying all along. On the other hand, I don't. I would hold him down. I don't want to be a hindrance to him because I love him.

'That's enough! We are leaving.', Zack said angrily as he slammed the table. 

I flinched, from drowning in my thoughts back to reality, at the sound.

'Don't you dare!', she scolded.

Zack disobeyed her and walked over to my side of the table, pulling me up by my hand. 

He then placed his hand on my lower back, guiding me out of the house.

We got into the car, but I was still in a daze. 

I had woken up from an amazing dream.

Zack then spoke, breaking the silence.

'I am so sorry.', he said, looking at me with guilt-ridden eyes. 

I felt detached from myself and couldn't respond, so instead I stared at him with empty eyes. 

'Say something. Please.', he pleaded as his voice cracked.

I extended my hand, placing it on his cheek.

' I am sorry.', I said in almost a whisper. 

'What are you sorry fo-'

' Let's breakup.', I forced out and unbuckled my seatbelt to get out, but he held my arm, saying,

'You're not pulling this on me again, Rachel.'

'Can't you see that you are hurting because of me? Even if I don't hurt you, I will hold you down from becoming what you want to be.', I explained as tears I have been holding back cascaded down my cheeks.

'I don't care!', he said, his eyes glossy.

'You do, Zack. Even if you don't now, you will in the future.'

'It's better to end this now before it's more painful later on.', I continued, my voice breaking.

'It doesn't have to end. You can work hard from now on.', he said desperately. 

'You don't get it! I don't have a future! My family's too messed up.', I cried out.

'Hurting you hurts me as well.', I continued to which he didn't respond.

'It's over.', I said as I got out of the car.

He didn't stop me this time. 

-----End Of Chapter 21-----

Hey guys! Is it really over between those two?? Stay tuned to find out and feel free to comment your opinion! Don't forget to vote and have a great day/night!

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