Chapter 14

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Rachel's POV:

I had run away from my feelings again and ended up hurting Zack.

I was in the cab's back seat as I started to contemplate if I had made the right choice.

Even though it was selfish of me, I desperately wanted him to wait for me. I wished he would accept me as the coward I am until I was ready to talk, but I knew that was unreasonable.

He has feelings too. He is bound to get hurt by my thoughtless actions.

And, there was my dad as well.

Anxiety bubbled up in me at what could have happened to him.

Was he badly hurt?

Was it that woman?

What if I lose him? How do I live then?

I think I lost Zack. If I lose dad, then I have no one.

Zack was filling the hollow space in my heart bit by bit: he made me feel content even though my life was far from it. As for my dad, his presence comforted me. That woman, who is supposed to be my mom, wrecked our family into shatters. Dad could have easily left and started over a new life, but he cared about me. He chose me.

That's when I realized as tears cascaded down my cheeks.

He was doing it for me. He was just taking it for my sake. He couldn't fight back because he was afraid I would break down and there I was hating him for it.

By the time I arrived at the hospital, I felt like having a mental breakdown. It was all too much to grasp.

I rushed, through the hospital's entrance, to the nearest desk.

'I am here for Mike Anderson.', I said, my voice unsteady.

'This way.', a nurse said as she left her position and led me.

I nodded and followed in her steps.

After a couple of turns through hallways, we arrived at the room, where my dad was supposedly at.

I hurried over to the door, eager to see him.

I pulled the sliding door open to bump into a tall figure.

'I am sorry. Are you okay Ms.?', he said politely.

'Yes. Sorry, I just need to see my dad right now.', I said as my eyes got moist with tears.

I was out of my mind then.

'Are you Rachel? Your father has been asking for you.', he said as he fixed his glasses.

I nodded. I couldn't talk without bursting into tears at the moment.

'I am the doctor in charge of him. Doctor Pete.', he continued, introducing himself.

'How is he?', I asked weakly, scared of his reply.

'You don't have to worry. It's a minor wrist fracture. It will heal on its own in four to six weeks.', he answered.

'Thank you.', I whispered, letting out a sigh of relief.

'You can go see him.', Doctor Pete said, smiling.

I smiled back gratefully and then pushed the door open.

I moved in wide steps towards my dad's bed and sat down on the chair nearby.

'Hey.', I said, my voice trembling, as I put his hand in between mine in a tight hold.

His blue eyes then fluttered open, meeting my identical ones.

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