Chapter 20

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Zack's POV:

It might have been a bad idea after all.

The thought kept recurring as I paced back and forth in front of Rachel's house.

The day had come sooner than I thought it would, Friday. And, instead of being ready, I was losing my cool.

My parents weren't the easiest people to deal with, mom being her perfectionist self and dad his prideful self. Mistakes and failures were words not found in their dictionary. I used to be obsessed with meeting their standards. I would spend numerous late nights trying to study till the extent of nosebleeds and follow their rules as if I had no opinion of my own, like a robot. At one point, everything had become stressful, and life turned dark. Then, came my rebellious phase when I met Liam and the others. I was desperate to see the light again, to be carefree and live a little. It all came true and before I knew it, I was going on late night drives, skipping lectures occasionally, and even had my first clubbing experience. It was all new territory to me, so bright and exhilarating, well, except clubbing. I had finally gotten a true taste of freedom and youth which had seemed impossible with my controlling parents if it weren't for them, Liam, Ethan and Noah. I appreciated them, not that I would ever admit it out loud.

Rachel, on the other hand, was different from them yet, equally important to me. She was a special existence in my life. She taught me how beautiful and warm love can be despite its flaws. My heart felt full every moment I spent with her. That was why I needed to get through this all the more so. I was determined to fight for her if it came to it.

After a deep breath in and out, I called her number, letting her know I was there.

She ended the call with a chirpy 'be right there', but ten minutes later, she still hadn't come.

I was about to give her another call, when the door to her house creaked open.

I took a few steps forward and met her striking appearance. She was wearing a navy, belted winter dress which opened into a slit, reaching her thigh, had her black, silky hair down and wore a flawless smile.

 She was wearing a navy, belted winter dress which opened into a slit, reaching her thigh, had her black, silky hair down and wore a flawless smile

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I was admiring how beautiful she looked, when she spoke.

'How do I look?', she asked, nervousness painting her features.

Instead of responding to her question, which I found non-sensical, I reached my hand out, placing it on her cold cheek and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

'Gorgeous.', I whispered as I pulled away and a warm smile slowly spread on her face.

On the ride to my house, Rachel kept a firm hold on my free hand, my other on the wheel.

I wanted to calm her nerves with a joke, make her laugh, but I was a nerve wreck myself. I was afraid of my parents' reaction upon seeing her or how they would treat her. I hoped that even if it went downhill, she wouldn't get hurt or shed a single tear. That was my priority.

I pulled over to a stop in front of the house and felt Rachel's hold tighten on my hand.

I then let go of her hand gently and stepped out of the car, opening the door for her to which she smiled gratefully.

She was even more nervous after leaving the car, staring into space and fidgeting with her hands.

I couldn't leave her feeling the way she was. So, I decided that if I can't crack a joke, I would just do whatever came to mind to cheer her up.

The first thought that occurred to me was her nickname, Raa Raa. Teasing her would definitely take her mind off things.

'Raa Raa.', I called out with the biggest smirk on my face.

She went from staring into nowhere to looking at me with her eyes wide in a split second.

I knew how she despised being called that ever since I met her friend, Jeremy, at college that day.

It was like any other day. I was walking on campus, heading to the lab for a session, when he stopped me, saying,

'You're Zack?'

I looked around, making sure he was actually talking to me.

I then met his eyes and responded with,

'Yeah? Who's asking?'

'It's Jeremy. I am Rachel's best friend, and I don't have time because I am running late.', he blurted as I stared at him confused.

'Okay?', I said slowly.

'She hates being called Raa Raa, just hold onto that. It's really funny.', he said with a chuckle and then glanced at his watch.

'Okay, gotta go.', he rushed to say and then strode off before I could say anything.

It was the weirdest encounter I have ever had, but I gained a valuable tip.

I had tried calling her that once before, but it was over text. I never got to see her actual reaction, so here I was.

'Don't ever call me that.', she said defeated, covering her face with her hand.

I grabbed that hand and moved it away to find her cheeks vividly pink.

She was too cute that I couldn't help squishing her in the tightest hug.

She felt small and warm in my arms.

I don't mind getting used to that feeling.

I was thinking as my eyes opened to meet my dad's, across the street, standing with his arms crossed.

'Okay. Don't freak out, but', I said to Rachel as calmly as possible.

'But, what?', she asked, her voice alarmed.

'My dad's standing right across the street.', I stated.

'You've gotta be kidding me!', she exclaimed and pulled away from me.

'This is so awkward!', she continued as red rushed to her face.

I laughed.

'You're laughing?', she whisper-shouted and hit me on the chest lightly, which only made me laugh more.

'It's okay.', I reassured her.

She responded with a half-smile back.

She was so worried about it all that I felt bad, but at the same time, it goes out to show how much she cares about this, us.

Being with her like this made me gain courage.

'Let's do this.', I said, putting my hand out towards her.

She gave me a glance before holding it with confidence.

-----End Of Chapter 20-----

Hey guys! First of all, I can't believe this story passed 200 reads! I wanted to thank you all for making it happen!!

And hope you enjoyed this chapter! Feel free to comment and don't forget to vote! Have a great day/night! I love you all!

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