Chapter 15

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Noah's POV:

'I like you, Jess. I don't want to be your bed buddy anymore. I want something serious.', I confessed as she stood, her dark eyes indifferent.

That took a great deal of courage out of me and she didn't look like she cared one bit. My heart ached at how cold her eyes were.

Jessica and I knew each other since high school as we attended together. We started out as friends, but she wanted more and so did I. It wasn't in the same sense, though. She wasn't looking for a relationship, but something casual. I, on the other hand, had fallen head over heels for her. Despite her having a nasty personality and being a bully, I thought I saw some good in her. I thought I could change her.

'I don't have time for this, Noah. Let's get this over with.', she said, no emotion contained in her voice.

I was wrong.

She then approached me, her face getting closer to mine, for a kiss when I held her by her shoulders, stopping her.

'No.', I said firmly.

That was the first time I had rejected her touch. I liked her so much that I even agreed to being her friend with benefits. If it meant being close to her and touching her, I didn't care. I was satisfied with that. But, at some point, I started getting greedy. I wanted her heart closer to mine. I wanted her to like me back.

'Are you rejecting me?', she shrieked.

I couldn't respond.

'Your loss then.', she said menacingly as she walked out of my room.

Her heels clacked downstairs as she went back to the party.

I was asking for the impossible. She wasn't capable of love.

I followed downstairs in heavy steps.

This was supposed to be a fun night. How did it turn out like this?

Jessica looked beautiful that night. When she entered with Sarah and Victoria at her side, everyone stopped and stared. Jessica especially stood out with her sparkly velvet, close fitted dress. Her body curved in all the right places as her brown hair flowed in silky waves down her back.

It wasn't long before she had found me and we made out on our way upstairs. I didn't want the feeling of her soft lips against mine to end, but I had to tell her. I couldn't let this go on any longer. And that's how it went down.

I got rejected and was getting myself drunk to forget all about it.

That was when I met HER.

'Hey.', she said, approaching me.

'Hey.', I said back as I eyed her.

She looked awe-striking with blue hair and a pretty shade of brown chocolate eyes. She was also dressed in hot denim shorts and a satin, black top.

'A tough night, huh?', she continued.

'I just got rejected.', I grumbled.

'Ouch.', she said, letting out a giggle as her deep dimples showed.

That kind of reaction would have usually thrown me off because of how insensitive it sounded but, I couldn't get mad at her.

I smiled instead. The sound of her bubbly giggle and those dimples were too cute.

'Now that's a cute smile.', she said, stealing the words right out of my mouth.

My smile grew wider.

'I am Sophie by the way.', she continued.


'Cheer up, Noah.', she said.

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