Chapter 4

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I spun my head to meet a pair of familiar hazel orbs. I couldn't decipher what his expression meant since I wasn't good at reading people, but I could tell he was just as surprised to see me there. Who could have imagined we attended the same college, let alone studied the same major. I have never been attentive to anyone since all I did was sleep through lectures, so It made sense that I wouldn't have known.


I finally got your name.

I thought as I felt the excitement bubble up in me. Zack must not have shared my sentiment as he scurries away. He was halfway to the door of the lecture hall when I caught up to him. We must have looked like Tom and Jerry with me chasing him down like that. And, that was the most exercise I have done in a while. I am a bit too clumsy for sports or working out at all. I never run, unless the situation calls for it which is a rare occurrence. It's already enough that I fall down by just walking. So why make it worse.

Blocking his way out with my arm might have seemed too aggressive as he eyes me warily.

'Well, you look like the definition of intimidated.', I commented as it took everything within me to not smirk at his expression. He looked like he would run away any moment, but he didn't. He didn't reply either, but instead looked me straight in the eye. I didn't know he had the wits in him for that. I almost faltered as my heart rate sped up. The tables had turned.

'Rachel, right?', he asked.

He already knew my name from the lecture. I nodded in response as I retracted my arm obstructing his way to the side of my body.

'I know we need to do the assignment,' , he said then paused for a slight moment.

'Look, I am sorry again about last time. What I did was wrong like I had just met you and you were drunk', he babbled.

I could tell from his words and his tone that he genuinely felt bad as if he made a grave mistake. That made me feel bad about myself because I didn't care like he did. I brushed that feeling off.

'It's okay I mean I was the one who flirted with you.', I said in a casual manner to which red rushes up Zack's neck and face. Was I too straightforward or does he blush that easily?

I chuckled, still amused by his numerous demeanors. He was a breath of fresh air. He wasn't like other guys putting on a tough act.

'Yeah, anyways, let's meet tomorrow after our lectures at the cafeteria.', he said, snapping me out of my trance.

'Cool.', I said in response.

We then exchanged numbers and ended it at that.

I was walking with jolly steps when I heard Sophie from a trivial distance.

'Hey girl. Looking good!', Sophie said, excitement lacing her voice. She was referring to my outfit which consisted of denim ripped jeans with a black close fitted top and matching boots. The outfit overall complimented my smoky eyes and dark velvet lips.

 The outfit overall complimented my smoky eyes and dark velvet lips

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