Chapter 8

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'I'm back', I said weakly, still haven't fully covered from my revelation.

'Yeah.', he replied awkwardly.

My lips almost broke into a smile, but I was not in the mood for smiley faces.

I hated where this was going because I knew what could come next. Be it confession or dating, that wasn't me. I had promised myself I wouldn't turn out like my dad. I am sure my dad was also in love once with that woman, but look where that got him. Love makes you weak and I refuse to be weak.

We were back to work, but I was far from focused as it all passed by in a jiffy.

Looking emptily at my room's ceiling has always been a habit. It seems to be the most relaxing thing to do, well, for me at least. It's also what I was doing at the moment, but deep in thought. That was another first.

Even when that woman wrecked havoc, as loud as that can get, I neither flinched nor gave it a single concerned thought. I was immune to that, but apparently I wasn't immune to Zack.

I had thought that this shouldn't go on any longer when a memory barged into my mind. I recalled his smile when we bid goodbye earlier tonight.

'Bye.', I had said, smiling only faintly as I waved at him.

'See you later.', he had replied, smiling his usual bright, goofy smile where his eyes would go narrow by the uplift of his cheeks.

I smiled at the memory, blinded by his smile fresh in my mind.

So blinded that I almost forgot..

I almost forgot all about my conviction, from less than five minutes ago, of breaking it off before my feelings grew deeper and before it got more painful. My last day with him would be the day we hand in our assignment. He deserved better, anyway.

I was on the brink of tears by the mere thought.

The past month felt like an entire lifetime as I always felt I was missing something or someone. I finally found that someone, but I am letting him go when I wished for nothing more than the opposite.

A tear managed to roll down my cheek sideways, wetting my pillow. I turned over and curled up into my bed, forcing myself to sleep.

As if sleep would erase my memories.

I wished it could. I wanted to go back to square one.

It was still the start of the day and I haven't even seen Zack anywhere yet on campus. So, does it make sense to say that I already missed him?

My schedule was hectic today. Zack should have been my last concern.

At that precise moment, he walks into my peripheral vision. I cocked my head to look at him.

He was standing by the lockers with a guy from our major called Ethan. All I knew about Ethan is that he's part of Liam's friend group.

Zack was laughing audibly as Ethan blabbed about something with enthusiastic gestures. His laugh was music to my ears, an addicting melody. It was also something I won't be able to hear again personally soon.

I felt the thought press down on my heart as it sank. I walked away, not allowing myself to feel more.

I was almost through the lecture hall's door when a familiar voice stopped me dead in my tracks.

'Hey', Zack said from behind me avidly.

'Hey.', I said, feigning happiness in my voice then continued walking without even turning around once.

Facing him is a lot harder than I thought it would be. How could I look into those sparkly hazel set of eyes, at that cute, buttoned nose of his and those plump, red lips without changing my mind?


I stopped again.

The way he said my name, I hated it. It made me want to run back to him and never let him go. I had almost given in, when the professor walked in. That was the first time I was ever grateful for that.

We both walked in instantly to save ourselves an unnecessary scolding. I got seated at my usual bench near the back to avoid coming into vision. Zack sat beside me as we have been doing so far.

A horde of more people rushed in after. Some of which seated themselves on the bench beside Zack and I, pushing us until we were no more than an inch apart.

I could feel his body heat radiating near me, giving me goosebumps all over. I felt an exaggerated pulse in my neck as my heart galloped loudly that I thought he would hear it for sure.

There was no escape this time.

I was all consumed by dramatic despair when Zack scribbled something on a piece of paper and passed it to me.

"you okay??", the paper said.

And, that was the last straw as I couldn't help but smile visibly upon seeing that.

'Yeah. I am fine now.', I whispered to him, my lips still holding a smile.

I could never do this from the beginning. I liked him too much to up and forget all about him like he was nothing. It was all futile.

---------End Of Chapter 8--------

Sorry for the short chapter!! What did you guys think of it though?? I would love to hear your feedback!

Rachel finally came to terms with her feelings! Next chapter is going to be a Zack POV!

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

Have a great day/night!!

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