Chapter 18

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Rachel's POV:

I came to to find myself cuddled into Zack on the sofa, the back of my head resting on his chest as his arm held me tight.

I felt my heart warm up and I was all smiles. I had grown to love the way he held me. It felt cozy and safe in his arms. I had found where I belonged, my exclusive happy place.

But, it wasn't all merry thoughts. A dark thought has to find its way through like the rays of sun shone through the glass window, illuminating our figures.

I gave the thought a listen and regretted it soon after.

What if what Zack and I have doesn't last?

What do I have left then?

Losing him was no more an option. I already loved everything about him: his soft chuckles and the glint of amusement in his eyes when he tells the lamest jokes that he must have learned from Liam, his strong determination to never give up his ideals no matter how arduous it gets and the way he touches me as if I was a precious gemstone that could shatter are a few examples because I wouldn't be able to name them all. Simply put, my happiness lied with him. I have become too dependent that it was starting to terrify me.

That's when I felt Zack tighten his hold on me as if he had detected the anxious aura exuding my body.

My mind only came to rest then.

'Rachel.', he called out in a groggy voice.

I hummed in response as he continued,

'I'm hungry.'

'What do you want to eat, babe?', I said in affection.

He then buried his face into my shoulder and my heart skipped a beat.

'I love it when you call me that.', he said, his voice muffled.

I giggled. He was too cute.

I then turned over to meet his intense gaze.

Red rushed to my cheeks as I covered my face with both my hands.

He kissed my hand then.

I felt my blood run warmer as I blushed more if that was even possible.

I removed my hands slowly to look into his set of hazel eyes.

'You're so beautiful.', he said as my heart went crazy with beats and a wide smile overtook my face.

He made me feel beautiful when he said it even though I was dressed lazily.

I then wrapped my arms around his torso, taking in his warmth.

'I am still hungry.', he complained and the room filled with my laughter.

'Let's order pizza.', I said once I was done laughing.

After the pizza arrived, Zack started munching on it as if he had starved for days.

I chuckled, but he was too absorbed in the movie we had put on to notice. I couldn't blame him as it was the climax after all.

I found the movie uninteresting and aimless, though, because I couldn't take my eyes off Zack. I could only watch him.

I had never spent so much time with him before. It has been a blissful day and I couldn't wish for more.

With a light peck on the lips, Zack left after the movie was done.

The feeling of emptiness flooded me as I sat back on the sofa, but alone this time around. I could never get used to being away from him. That's how attached I already was.

The doorbell then rang, echoing through the house.

I got up at the speed of light and ran to the door, expecting it to be Zack.

I swung the door open to meet the most hideous sight.

-----End Of Chapter 18-----

Hey guys! I am so sorry for taking too long to update and for the short chapter.. it gets better though!

What do you think Rachel saw?? Stay tuned to find out and thank you so much for reading and don't forget to vote and feel free to comment! Have a great day/night!!

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