Chapter 19

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You never really know until it happens. 

Dad and that woman, Audrey, were holding hands. It was so ridiculous that I was rendered speechless. 

Dad had become my role model for his resolution to grow out of his bad habits. I could see he was trying his best to be a changed man and I admired him for it. Just when I thought I was getting my dad back, I am met by this horrendous situation. How could he look at her with the same loving eyes he looks at me with after everything she did, all the pain she had caused us? Was it not enough already? There was nothing toxic she didn't do. That woman didn't have to cheat to be called a homewrecker. She was doing single-handedly well until this moment. What was she planning?

I took a deep breath in an attempt to compose myself from the burning anxiety. 

'What is this?', I asked, my eyes closed to stay as calm as possible. 

'Rachel, honey, please.', Dad pleaded, but nothing could get through me. 

My eyes opened to meet his with an intense glare. 

'People make mistakes. Audrey already apologized.', he reasoned. 

'And you just forgave her?', I said in pure disbelief. 

'Hasn't it occurred to you at all that maybe she's faking it?', I continued. 

'She's your mother, Rachel.', he said and that was it. My bottled-up anger couldn't stay contained anymore. 

'I am sick of hearing that! Why doesn't she start by acting like it first?!', I lashed out and his blue eyes widened in shock. 

I shot Audrey a look to find her lips quivering as she struggled to hide a smile. 

I felt my blood boil. 

I get it now. This is revenge for how I have been treating her, isn't it? 

How was Dad not seeing it?

I had thought and got my answer immediately after. 

'I love her, Rachel.', he said, a sad smile curving his lips up in the slightest. 

Audrey then looked at him with a smile of which I was convinced was deceptive. 

Love, huh. If this is what love looks like, I don't want it anywhere near me. 

That was when Zack flashed to my mind. I couldn't help but fear the possibility of our love turning into such red flags. I couldn't even trust my own dad.  But at the same time, Zack never gave me any reason to worry. 

My mind was in conflict. I was a mess. 

'I am not doing this.', I said as I hastened to my room, locking the door. 

I then curled up into a ball in my bed and forced my eyes closed.

Memories of their fights flooded my brain. All I could hear were the sounds of glass breaking and her shouting while an image of my dad drunk was all I could envision. 

I put my hands on my ears to block out these surreal sounds and before I knew it, I was sobbing. 

I could feel the pillow getting damp with my tears. I was too tired of it all. 

'Let's just sleep', I whispered hoarsely to myself.

Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts.

I recited in my head.

Zack's laugh then shone through, echoing in my ears. 

I found myself smiling through my tears. 

With that, I floated to sleep.

My eyes fluttered open the next day to the chirping birds and warm sunlight, coming through my window. 

I could tell that the amount of time I slept was insufficient from how my heavy my body felt.

I picked up my phone from beside me, typing in the PIN and unlocking it. 

I then grinned with puffy eyes at Zack's good morning text. 

Even if it was for a fleeting moment, he made me happy. 

I liked how attentive and committed he was. 

I then looked at the time. It was eight in the morning. 

Might as well go to college since I won't be able to sleep again.

I sat on my bed, stretching my arms, for a few seconds before I rose up, my feet touching the cold ground. 

I shivered at the contact and walked in lazy steps. I had exhausted all my energy on the Audrey situation that I had none left for college. 

After pushing myself and somehow making it out of house, I saw Zack waiting for me by his car. 

He smiled widely as soon as he saw me. 

I ran towards him, putting him in the tightest hug. 

'Hey!', I said in enthusiasm. 

I was ecstatic to see him. He was always at the right place, at the right time. 

'Hey! I came to pick you up.', he said, wrapping his arms around my waist. 

I could hear the lie in his voice, though.

'That's really sweet, but why are you really here, babe?', I asked. 

'Wow, you saw right through me.', he said, laughing nervously.

'I am your girlfriend, Zack.', I stated as I rolled my eyes. 

'You can say that again.', he said with a smirk, and I bit back a smile.

'Okay, the thing is', he said slowly, his eyes darting between the ground and me. 

'My parents, well, they want to meet you.', he continued as I stared blankly at him.

When it finally registered, all I could say was,

'Wait, what?'

I was surprised to say the least.

His parents meeting me; How would THAT go?

'I may have mentioned you in front of them so yeah...', he said, rubbing the back of his neck. 

'It's okay.', I said as my pupils shook. 

'You don't look okay.', he said, catching on.

'I am just nervous.', I admitted. 

'Don't be. If anything goes down, I will be there to protect you.', he said proudly, making me cackle with laughter.

'Why are you talking superhero?', I said as he shared my laughter. 

After our laughing episode, he said,

'Pick you up Friday?'

'Deal.', I responded. 

-----End Of Chapter 19-----

Hey guys! Hope this chapter was enjoyable! How do you think the meeting of Zack's parents will go?? Stay tuned to find out! Thank you so much for reading! I really appreciate you all! Don't forget to vote and feel free to comment! Have a great day/night!!!

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