Chapter 7

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'It's. not. funny.', I said, gritting my teeth.

Jeremy was making fun of me for asking Zack to be friends. He was convinced that I had fallen in love , whatever that meant, and that I had friend-zoned myself. 

'Let's be friends.', he mimiced in a girly voice as I gritted my teeth harder. I was grateful my teeth did not give way then.

'Shut up, Jer.', Sophie said calmly.

I smiled at her and mouthed a thanks. 

'Oh come on! It's just hilarious!', he laughed then continued, 'She friend-zoned herself!'

He was laughing so hysterically that people around us started to goggle, probably out of irritation. He was being loud. Again. From what I recall, last time that happened, we were kicked out of a café for causing a disturbance. To be more specific, Jeremy causing a disturbance.
We were at the center of yet another café and I had prepared myself mentally for impending embarrassment if we got asked to leave again. While Sophie wasn't being as loud, she was bombarding me with questions. That was just as bad.

I started to regret ever mentioning Zack to them, but it was inevitable. It would have spilled out of my mouth eventually, whether I had liked it or not. I am terrible at keeping things to myself around those two. It's like the zipper to my mouth had loose teeth.

They were pestering me about Zack nonstop and it was the weekend, so I had no choice but to meet up with them.
'How did it go?'
'Did you guys smooch already?'

They had flooded my phone with such messages.The latter was clearly Jeremy.

'For the millionth time, I don't like him!', I yelled out of frustration.

'Yeah, we will see how long that will hold.', Jeremy said so sure of himself.

I rolled my eyes as his words entered my head one way and exited the other.

'You're meeting him tonight you said?', Sophie asked.

'Yup. We can't put off that stupid assignment work any longer.', I complained.

Sophie then patted me on the shoulder, giving me a knowing look.

'Right, you suffered through the most assignments. I am sorry to rub salt in your wound, Soph.', I said, feigning sadness as she let out a laugh. And, Jeremy was in his own universe, still laughing.

'Enough.', I warned, giving him the you-better-stop-or-you're-dead glare.

'Fine. Fine.'

And just when I had thought I had some peace of mind, he spoke again.
'So when are you confessing, friend?', he said, air quoting the word 'friend'. He must have been itching to say that because why else would he put his life at risk?

'And when are you gonna stop being a jerk?', I retorted, followed by an impressed 'ooh' from Sophie. She was watching this unfold as if she was part of an audience and this was a comedic skit or something.

'You love me anyways.', he said, sticking his tongue out.

'I hate you.', I said as my eyebrows drew down into a scowl.

'Right.', he replied in confidence as a smirk curled one corner of his slim lips.

'What do I wear?', I said to myself, panicking.

I was in the middle of my room, with clothes scattered all over. Amidst my panic, I was remotely happy about the fact that that woman wasn't around. If she was, I wouldn't have been able to stand being in this house and it would have made things, well, complicated, not to mention, how it would put me in a foul mood.

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