Chapter 9

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Zack's POV:

It was yet another day at college. I was chattering away with Ethan like any other day. He was telling me about how his stomach had growled out of hunger at the worst possible timing: He was kissing a girl and about to move on to bed when it happened. So, he told her he would grab a snack and then continue where they left off. A loud, uncontrollable laugh sounded out of me as the red tint to his cheeks expressed his deep embarrassment. He is always so sure of himself that I thought I would never live to see him blushing or embarrassed about a situation.

Everything was part of the usual routine, all until she walked into the image. That's when everything changes. My body feels lighter whenever she's around, like all my burdens had evaporated off my skin, and the sky looks brighter than usual.

I have been seeing her in a different light the last month we've spent inseparable. Rachel is your average bad girl, but she's kind hearted and has been nothing but considerate of me. She cares more than she shows and does more than she talks, which is her best quality. Rachel is also fun to be around. She's like a new, vibrant color in my life's blank canvas.

I ended the talk with Ethan and rushed to catch up with her.

'Hey.', I said, failing to hide the exhilaration contained in my voice.

She stopped moving, stiffening like a statue.

I waited for her to turn around, to reply with her dazzling smile which stuns me every single time, but nothing. That got me wondering if I had wronged her in any way and that was enough to trigger one of my overthinking episodes.

What if it had been all one sided?

What if she didn't enjoy my company as much I did with hers?

What if. What if. What if.

I asked myself these non-sensical what ifs until she finally spoke, getting me out of this terrifying, non-ending cycle.

'Hey.', she said in almost a whisper.

She then walked through the door of the hall for our pharmaceutical ethics lecture.

What was wrong?

My eyebrows furrowed into a frown as the thought occurred.

'Rachel.', I called out her name affectionately. It wasn't intentional, but out of my control which made me question again.

Why am I always doing things on impulse with her?

The second I called her name, she paused. I was about to speak when the professor entered the hall from a door perpendicular to ours.

We both walked in simultaneously.

My focus was no where to be found as if I was in error. Rachel was sitting so close that I was not in my right mind. Whenever she moved or fidgeted in her seat, her arm's cold skin grazed mine, making my body combust with heat. I know I am the one who sat next to her, but I did not expect to be THIS close to her. Not that it was her choice, since the hall was crowded with people.

I kept stealing glances at her flawlessly sculptured features. Her nose was curved into a pointy adorable end while her lips had the right amount plumpness to them. Her lips turned into a pout as I noticed her anxious eyes, darting all over the place but the professor. That's when all my flustration turned into concern for her. I needed to know what was bothering her that much, so I could..

Wait, why do I care so much?

There was no point in overthinking or thinking at all. I knew I was going to find the answer eventually. So I followed what my heart wanted to do then. Which was, checking up on her.

I took out a piece of paper and wrote a 'you okay?', then passed it to her. She looked at me surprised, but took it anyways while eyeing me weirdly. Her head then lowered down, reading the content of the scrap of paper while tucking her shiny, dark hair behind her ear to clear her vision. I knew she didn't do it intentionally as that time at the club when we first met, but it still worked. My blood flowed in immense amounts causing my face to blush.

And just when I thought it couldn't get worse, a soft smile slowly took over her features. My heartbeat doubled and I braced myself for when she faces me with that gorgeous smile on her face.

She didn't stop at that, though. She also sneaked in closer, whispering 'yeah' in my ear. Shivers traveled down my spine as her warm breath fanned my ear. I was speechless, so I just nodded as she smiled beamingly.

I found the answer.

I like her, don't I now?

Two hours later, the lecture came to an end. She got up as I felt her warmth dissipate. I was both relieved and disappointed. Relieved, since I could finally breathe normal without my heart beating out of my chest, and disappointed because I liked her warmth beside me. I wanted to be close to her. I wanted to touch her face and stroke her cheek lovingly. And more so, I wanted to kiss those soft lips. Since when have I felt that way towards her? How can I explain these profound feelings in simple words?


'Zack! Let's go already!', Rachel said, snapping me out of my trance.

'Sorry, was just thinking.', I said, rubbing the back of my neck as I chuckled.

She looked adorable when frustrated. Her eyebrows would draw in together as her nose scrunches.

'What about?', she asked, her bright blue eyes gleaming with curiosity.

'You.', I spoke out my mind, before I could even help it as her electric eyes then widened.

-------End Of Chapter 9--------

Hey guys! Did Zack finally confess to Rachel? Stay tuned for the next chapter and don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you for reading! Have a great day/night!

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