Chapter 17

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Zack's POV:

I had said "sure" so casually without realizing how much of a nerve-wreck I was going to be.

I was standing in front of Rachel's house, feeling ambivalent. I couldn't wait to see those sparkly electric eyes and hear her mellifluous voice all over again, but at the same time, I was feeling extremely self-conscious after the other night.

When I had sobered up that night and realized what went down, I almost banged my head into a wall. I loved her, so I wanted to protect her. I had told myself baby steps, yet I let that happen. But then again, we have been doing it all wrong from the beginning.

I had two goals at the moment; to fully understand her, and then to ask her out, which added on to my nervousness.

I never found out the reason behind her tears when I had asked her out the first time. I wanted to be able to comfort and reassure her. Her safe place is all I wanted to be.

Please let it go right this time.

I held on to that thought as I rang the bell to Rachel's house.

I heard faint steps getting louder as she got to the door, opening it.

Her smile reached her blue eyes as I gazed intensely into them.

She was dressed casually with a black hoodie matched with grey sweatpants and her jet black hair sat in a messy bun on the top of her head.

I liked that version of Rachel as well. She didn't have to be dressed fancy all of the time for me to be attracted to her. She herself was more than enough.

'You're finally here.', she said as she averted her gaze and pushed a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

Was she, by any chance, nervous as well?

'Come in.', she continued, pulling me by my hand inside.

I had missed her warmth.

After making it inside the house, silence settled as there was tension in the air.

I raised my gaze slightly to look at her.

Her eyes were on our intertwined hands.

'I missed you.', she said, breaking the silence.

Our eyes met then and an electric jolt coursed through me as I then jerked forward and wrapped my arms around her waist, embracing her.

How could I hold that back when she looks at me with such endearing eyes.

She took a few steps back, balancing us, and then reached on her tiptoes, returning the embrace.

I buried my face into the crook of her neck, inhaling her gentle scent.

'I missed YOU.', I said, putting emphasis on the "you".

Being with her was a comfort like nothing else.

I then recalled what I was here to do in the first place.

'Let's go sit down. I need to talk to you.', I continued as I patted her back.

She hummed in response and let go.

We stared deep into each other's eyes until she said,

'Let's go.'

All that time, we were standing by the entrance corridor.

She led me to what seemed like the living room and my gaze wandered.

It was modern looking, the walls painted grey and a white sofa set placed at the center of the room, encircling a wooden table, with a TV in front and a large window to the right.

She sat down on the sofa and patted the spot next to her, signaling me to sit beside her.

I did just that.

Here goes nothing.

'Why did you cry that time I asked you to be my girlfriend?', I asked cautiously.

'Did I do something wrong or-'

I had started blabbering when she stopped me with her words.

'No, Zack. I am sorry.', she said in a low voice, her gaze meeting the ground.

It pained me to see a sad expression on her face.

'You can talk to me Rachel.', I said as I placed my hand on top of hers on her lap, our hands glistening under the sunlight, shining through the window.

She hesitated, but then looked into my unwavering eyes and smiled weakly.

'Okay, so....'

She then told me everything. She talked about how her mom treated her, her alcoholic dad, the fights and how it all affected her with a sad smile. She also mentioned that her dad was trying to change for her and that's when a genuine smile marked her face. I was happy to see that.

Tears then dropped from her eyes after she was done telling and I immediately reached out to hug her tight.

'I am sorry you had to go through all that.', I said, rubbing her back in circles.

'Thank you.', she said and a sniffle followed.

I pulled away and held her face in my hands.

'Rachel, I will ask you again.'

'Will you be my girlfriend? I will protect you no matter what.', I continued.

My heart raced as I awaited her response.

A wide smile slowly took over her features as she said the words I have been aching to hear.

'Yes. I love you.'

That was when I leaned in for a kiss out of joy.

One kiss led to another and she was willing to go further as she lied on her back, pulling me down, by my waist, with her.

I was on top of her and it took everything in me to not continue.

'Rachel, wait.', I said.

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me in confusion.

'Let's not do this.', I said

'Do you not want to-'

'Believe me I do. So bad.', I said, interrupting her.

She bit back a smile.

'But I want to protect you.', I said, placing my hand on her cheek.

'Babe, I don't need protecting.', she said with a cheeky smirk.

Those words felt like an arrow struck at my heart and she aimed flawlessly.

She then held my hand on her cheek and kissed it.

She knew what she was doing because at that point, I wasn't thinking straight anymore and just wanted to hold her all night.

I gave in to that desire and lowered my head until our lips connected into a kiss.

Her lips felt smooth as they moved hard against mine. Her hand was tugging onto my hair, making it impossible to stop.

'You're amazing.', she whispered into my ear, her breath warm.

'Kiss me.', I said out of breath.

I was desperate for her. She knew that and started teasing me.

She would pull me by the neck and act like she's going to kiss me, but doesn't and instead bumps her lower lip into my upper one.

I was going crazy out of frustration.

That's when I pinned her arms beside her head on the sofa and said,

'Don't you tease me.'

She giggled as I dove in, kissing her lips hungrily.

I love you more than words can describe, Rachel.

-----End Of Chapter 17-----

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